~ Personal Imagine ~

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This is for Alex. / Jealously, Taylor.

You and Taylor are hanging out with the boys. You all are just sitting around, some are playing video games and others are on there phones. But others, Taylor and you where all sitting around taking. Taylor got up to go get some more soda from the upstairs kitchen and Carter came over and sat next to you. "Hey (Y/N), how's your night going?" He asked scooting closer. "Um good I guess." You replied scooting away from him. Taylor came walking down the stairs as Carter scooted back. Taylor just stopped for a second to see how you responded. Which you scooted away. "Carter, could you not." You stated. "Could I not what?" He asked putting his hand on your thigh. That's when Taylor got mad. "Dude could you get your hands off my girl." He said with a slight bit of cockiness. Carter continued to climb all over you. Obviously he had something to drink. His hand got closer to your area and Taylor pulled him off of you. "I said get off my girl. I meant it." He said throwing Carter on the ground. Taylor then sat down next to you and kissed you on the cheek. "It's okay." He whispered in your ear. Carter then came up and soda went everywhere. That's when you could see the anger in his eyes. Taylor stood up and punched Carter right in the nose knocking him out. (But let's face it he was only one more glass away for doing that himself.) Taylor then pulled you up off the couch and upstairs to clean you up. "Sorry, he such a douche." Taylor said trying to explain. "It's not your fault. Quite frankly it's not his either." You said laughing. "But it is. If he wouldn't have drank and been stupid, this would have never happened." Taylor said giving his opinion. "Yeah I know. I just hope this doesn't get in the way of your guy's friendship." You said hopping up on the counter to Taylor could reach the spot better. "Well of corse it will..." He tried to explain. "Tay. Let it go please. For me?" You asked as he nodded his head and pulled you off the counter. "But only for you." He said embracing you into a big hug.


I hoped you loved it Alex! Also I hope I got it right.

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