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In The Beginning, There Was Hate

I hate school, I hate the train, and I hate my genes. . . But none of these could compare to the feeling I had for my parents at the moment. No, I'm not saying this because I hate them for making me ugly. It's the exact opposite. I hate them for making me to cute. Everyday since the start of my middle school years, I have been confronted, touched, and groped by many people.

Including men.

Every word that came from between their lips had my eyebrow twitching with annoyance and anger. Something that had become quite a habit.

"So what your telling me is, that I'm going to go to a private school in England?"

"An all boys private school to be exact." I stood from the chair and walked away without saying a word to my overly excited parents. If they really wanted me to leave this bad they could've just given me money to move out. To be honest I think that'd be the only good thing to ever happen to me in life, but now that I know I'm going to an all male school. . . It seemed that everything was just getting worse and worse by the moment.

How do they expect me to survive in a place like that!? It's like throwing the last Star Wars Princess Leia porn DVD in the middle of a bunch of horny nerds! Or throwing a cute girl (or in my case a boy) into a new school with a bunch of horny males who have yet to masturbate.

Then again I could just be overreacting. . . I mean a cute boy like me showing up to an all boys school with boys that have yet to be with or see girls, besides maybe a playboy magazine, could be just a regular thing. They may just treat me like one of the "dudes" until I graduate and actually take the time to meet a nice girl and possibly marry her.  If she's interested in a cute boy who looks somewhat like a girl. I'm not trying to brag about my looks and I defiantly know that I'm not vain, but I have experienced to many "sexual" attempts for me, a seventeen year-old, to last a lifetime.

Now that I think about it, I never asked when I'd be leaving. The semester has just began so that would mean I would be a new student. . . With all the attention. .

Why would my parents be putting me in another school halfway through the year? Were they planning about doing something that I didn't know about? Well whatever the freak it is it better be a good excuse to why I have to go to this place of which I'm going to specify as, hell.

Why must I be so judgmental when I haven't even arrived or even seen this place, you must ask?

Well because that's just who I am.

Why am I like this, you must ask?

Blame all the freakin molesters and all them horny people who can't keep their hands to themselves.

Why blame them, you must ask?

Because I'm a bitch. . . And you ask to many motherfvckin questions.

I threw my phone on the bed, somehow angry at my own writing. My phone seemed to be the only thing that I could really talk to (by talk I mean write with my notes app) that won't tell a soul or tell me that I'm wrong or stupid. Unless siri can do that. . . Then shes a robo bitch.

I rolled around on my bed thinking of excuses on why my parents are making me go to a school, OVERSEAS, when I can just go to a regular school here in New York. They've never given a shit about me before. . Unless it was modeling for money. . Or classes to become an idol. . . You know what instead of thinking to hard I'm just gonna ask her myself, but I feel really really lazy right now so. .

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