Fiction Awards (IMPORTANT)

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Hey guys. I'm sorry for another one of these shitty A/N, but this kinda of important. Especially to me. Now I'm not forcing any of you guys to do this because I love all my readers, voters, commentators, and all the support and love you've guys have been giving me. Seriously, you guys give me the confidence and ideas to do the thing I love most. Write. But love, doesn't mean forcing something upon another.

First, I wanna give a shout out to three wonderful people for doing this for me. These people not only nominated me, but reminded me of the currently happening event; The Fiction Awards.




Thank you so much Cynthia, Mark, and Misaki! You've made me so extremely happy, I almost teared up. Stay awesome love! ~


Now back to The Fiction Awards. . .

This didn't mean much to me especially winning. I didn't and still kinda don't care about a title. I only wrote to please you, the beautiful audience and current judges of my book.

But as I was saying. . .

This time. . . Since beloved Cynthia, Mark, and Misaki gave me the determined mind. . . I'm actually gonna try to strive towards an award! And this is where you fucking amazing people come in. . .

Do you love The Academy?


Do you just like it


Do you think The Academy is funny and entertaining and deserves acknowledgement?


Do you think it's stupid, overrated, overboard, and just outright dumb with no plan or thought at all


Would you be wiling to type:

The Academy by malus-

in the link right here

Next to the column (Best LGBT + Book (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/+) in The Fiction Awards 2016 thefictionawards


Just continue on with your regular lives, still and always loved by me as a thank you. .

With no stupid, depressing, asshole, snarky, "punishment", no update, or whatever the fuck people will do if they don't win or get a vote

{ Voting Ends: July 29th (11:59 PM) [GMT + o] }


It's all up to you. With no judgement or hate at all. I will still continue to update, read and love your comments, aaaandd love you guys no matter the choice you make, but that doesn't mean I wont give up on striving for an award.

And if I don't get one. . .

Then life will continue on.

At least I have my love for writing and encouragement to get better. . Plus. . The best thing of all. . .

You Guys ♥

You Guys ♥

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