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Tutor Me

All words were caught inside my throat. Why did my parents hate me enough to getting me a tutor? No. . . Why did life hate me enough to make Luke, the two-faced bitch, my tutor. I've been good! I mean sure a little bitchy at times, stubborn, and hot tempered, but there are times that I'm really nice. . . Well somewhat.

"You ready to learn?" He flashed one of those billion-dollar smiles that would have made me fantasize if I wasn't so pissed off right now. Woah, wait what?

"Uh. . . Actually I feel a little bit of a cold coming on. . ." I let out a loud and obnoxious cough as many gazes and heads turned our way. Luke raised a perfect eyebrow with amusement clear in his perfect eyes.


"Alright then." He shrugged walking over to a nearby table and picking up a fancy looking black satchel. I signed with relief. "We'll just go work in your dorm."

Oh hell no!

"Ah, no no no. Heh uh. . ." I laughed nervously, thinking of anything, but in the end. . . I just admitted defeat. "Let's just work here." I knew where he was trying to play at. The dorm would've been a perfect opportunity for him since we'd be alone. That's exactly why we're just gonna stay in the library. The public, camera infested, security filled, "wonderful" library.

My shoulders were slumped and my back was in a unattractive hunched-over position as I made my way over to take a seat at the nearest table.

I slouched very unmannerly in the chair as Luke started to separate the books we'd be studying.

"Alright, I was thinking that we should start with Spanish since its your most difficult and failing subject." He gave me a once over before stopping on a certain spot stifling a laugh.


"You know Spanish?" I added quite rudely. His eyes slightly narrowed as the smile he once had lowered and turned into a frown.

"Of course." His words stern and hard. "My family and I grew up in Spain for about five or six years. The language sort of came along with us when we moved to the United Kingdom." I knew he had a hint of a different accent besides British in his speech.

After a moment of complete awkward silence, Luke started to flip through some pages in a Spanish book.

"Okay. Let's start off with some simple words. Repeat after me, Rojo." (Rojo = Red)


"No, the 'j' is silent and sorta makes an 'h' sound. Rojo."

"Well why does it even make a sound when it's suppose to be silent." I gave him the 'duh' look. He was unamused and slightly annoyed.

"Because I don't know, 'j' just does whatever the fuck it wants."A hand brushed through his semi-long and curly locks.

"Oh. . . Okay."

"Now say azul." (Azul = Blue)

"Azul. Means blue right?" His eyes and mood seemed to brighten as he gave me a proud smile.

"Sí buen trabajo." (Sí buen trabajo = Yes, good job.)

"Oooh sounds Italian."

"Wait what?"

"Ya know. . . Sí obviously equals yes. Buen must mean please and I mean come on. Trabajo obviously sound like pasta in some language, why can't it be Italian. Yes please pasta."

"No." He face palmed. "That's not even what it means!" I snorted.

"Yeah sure. This is coming from someone who speaks Spanish and not Italian."

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