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First Day (Not Really)
"Thomas please tell me the truth are you really mad at me?" I leaned closer to him my arms draping over his muscular hips. He grunted in reply and took a step back, pushing his rear into my chest. "Come on Thomas. . It really wasn't my fault." His hazel eyes glanced in my direction, but. . . Thomas doesn't have hazel eyes.

I immediately let go, stumbling back and falling on my bottom. When he fully turned around, I nearly died.

It was Luke.

"What the hell are you doing in my dream!?" I yelled. He only shrugged.

"It's your fault for thinking about me."




"Karman. . ."

"I said what God dang it!"


"What!" My body launched forward in the bed as I slammed my fist in the nearest wall. My breathing was heavy and made my chest rise up and down quickly. Little sweat beads travelled down my forehead head making me wipe them away and brush my hand through the light strands of hair.

"Umm. . Well. . Just came to tell you that your gonna be late. ." My head whipped to the direction of which someone had just spoke to me.

"Derek!? How the hell did you get in here!? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Well. . I just asked my dad to send me a visitors pass to your room and obliged." He gave the most innocent smile anyone could've given. It looked like he was a kid who had just ate the last cookie before dinner after he was told not to.

I sighed and slumped back in my bed for a moment, letting my body calm down in the minutes of passing silence.

"What time is it?"

"Eight-Fifteen. Classes start in five minutes. ." My eyes widened as my body somehow defied gravity and flew upwards.

"What!? Why the hell did no one wake me up!?" I quickly threw the covers off of me, not caring that I was only in a pair of plaid boxers. My room seemed to be rearranged in a matter of three minutes as I searched for my uniform.

"I'm sorry." Derek rubbed the back of his neck.

"No problem." I said breathlessly, fixing my tie. "I'm ready to go."

"Umm. . One problem."


His gaze drifted downward. I followed it and realized what he was looking at.

"Your pants are backwards and inside out. . ."

"I see that. ." An inhuman groan slipped past my lips as my hand dragged down the sides of my cheeks before I finally fixed and put myself back in order.

"Okay. Now I'm ready to go." Derek was the first to leave with me following right behind. It was a little difficult keeping up with his long strides, but somehow he still seemed so professional and just elegant. He wore his black uniform with all his buttons done and only the top of his red tie showing. Instead of black dress pants like mine (which was given to me), they were khaki. His blonde hair was slicked back with gel and everything about him seemed to sparkle. It made me wonder about what kind of talent he had and how many he actually acquired.

"Can I ask you a question?" There was a pause.

"Sure." His eyebrows furrowed with a confused look.

"This school is meant for, like talented people and shi -stuff right?"


"What kind of talents do you have?"

"Well. . ." We stopped walking for a moment. "I've always had a passion for dancing. . . It always made me feel alive, made things exciting, and life just had meaning, but. . . My father wants me to inherit this school and become its next headmaster. . . So right now I'm taking classes based on business deals, contracts, and things like that. . . He also wants me to marry a young beautiful and successful woman that can make our family name prosper." His words seemed to sadden as he continued to talk.

"You don't want to?" I glanced up at him through my eyelashes. He clenched his fist and began to walk again. My feet were quick to catch up and get some answers. "Derek?"

"No, I don't." He sounded aggravated, but I had to be nosy just a little longer more.



"Because why?" He stopped immediately making me run into his back.

"I'm gay."


Who would've thought that 'Music Class' could be so boring. Oh wait, I totally didn't think they weren't gonna play 21st century music, but will play classical music like Mozart and I guess some guy named Van Gough. I think.

(Note the sarcasm)

I couldn't play an instrument to save my life. It also didn't help that Derek's confession was on my mind. His father doesn't know and wants his gay son to marry a woman. Doing this will help him inherit the title of headmaster all while Derek doesn't even want any of this. All he wants to do is make his own choices and dance. . .

Poor guy.

I don't even know how to help him. . . I've never been in a situation like this, but is it bad that I already had a feeling that he might be gay along with the other three-fourths of the school?

"Mr. Shay!" My mind snapped back to reality with the sound of my last name being annoyingly and obnoxiously said.

"Yes?" The words sounded normal to a teacher and for a student like me, but deep down it had a bit of an attitude tone to it.

"Can you tell me what this is?" I looked at the weird symbol he had drawn and pointed to on the white board. What the fudge was that!? I'm just gonna be honest. . .

"It's a squiggly line!" The class broke into a fit of laughter as the teacher gave me a disappointed look. "What!? I'm just gonna be honest and let me tell you, you guys are always telling us to be honest and give it our all. And I did." I gave a bright smile.

The laughter in the classroom soon died down as I was rewarded with being sent out into the hallway like a grade school kid. Of course the teacher couldn't acknowledge my straight forwardness and honesty, but I mean, what do they want me to say because it seems like anything that comes out of my mouth will be the wrong answer just because I am smaller, younger, apparently "immature", and not high enough in rank or have much respect as they do.

"Mr. Shay," the fat teacher nodded his bobble head in my direction. "your outburst in my classroom is something we do not need to have. This school is about order, talent, and profession. Not a bunch of clowns in a circus." I snorted and rolled my eyes. He gave me a stern look and cleared his throat. "I understand that your new here and that on your application you didn't fill out the. . Talents section. But just because you don't have a talent to share like the rest of us, doesn't mean you need to stop and disrupt my class filled with students who do have talents and a future for them. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm trying to speak the truth. Now, when your ready you may come back inside. . Otherwise your welcomed to stay out here for the rest of class and serve detention."

My god. Rude much!?

The Academy

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