The Suicide

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We entered the palace once more and we walked up to Lord Tomas' throne. I know Xander enjoyed his short time of humanity, but I knew he wouldn't want to stay like that forever.
"Lord Tomas, we have returned." Said Xander.
"Excellent. How was your walk Xander?" Lord Tomas asked.
"It was...sensational." He said.
Lord Tomas smiled.
"Well I'd like it if we could forge the dream catchers now if you don't mind Dianna." Said Xander.
"Oh, of course!" I said.

Xander took the dream catchers from my hands and walked with them to Lord Tomas.
"Excellent." Said Lord Tomas
Lord Tomas took and carried them in his hands and lifted them in the air. They then started to levitate. A bright light came from them to the point where it was so bright, you couldn't see them. When it dimmed down, I saw that the three dream catchers were now gone and had changed into one BIG dream catcher, which I assume was the Magnum Catcher.

"There you go Dianna. May the Dream Guardian be in your favor." The dream catcher levitated towards me and was now in my hands.
"Wait, what's a Dream Guardi-" he cut me off.
"Now! Let's get to business! Dianna, I must tell you something, and you must make a choice, based on what you want!"
"Uh ok." I said.
"But before we do! How about a story!" He said.

"Long ago, before I was Lord of Meratle, I once had a family. We were very happy and we built this house you live in today! I had one daughter, and a lovely wife. I loved her very much, but one day we had gotten terrifying news, that my beloved wife was dying of an unknown disease, unknown at the time. The doctors didn't know what it was so there was no curing it. She passed away soon after. Although she is gone in the physical world, my love for her follows her into the after life. She left me to be a lone father on my own. I tried my best to take care of my daughter, but apparently my best wasn't enough. My daughter went missing for good. I didn't call the police, because there where troubles with soldiers back then, so I looked for her on my own. After a few days I decided to look in the basement. I met the same fait manny have in countered, all except you Dianna."
"W-Wait, ar-are you...Iliana's FATHER?!" I asked.
"Yes I am. So getting back to my story!
I went into the basement and met the Dream Guardian. He is neither good nor evil. Whatever path you choose spiritually, after death in this house, will decide your fait. I was not dead yet so the Dream Guardian did not let me enter so I fought him with my words,
'I'm sorry Sir, I do not know your daughter. Hmm...she might be with Niomy. He was an evil child. He sacrificed his brother before he took his own life. He's also trying to take over the nightmare realm.'
'He-He sacrificed his brother?'
'Yes. Poor kid. So young, so innocent. He refuses to cross over to the Dream Kingdom known as Meratle, and I unfortunately cannot force him to. He is scared of what I told him. Depending on whether you're good or bad, will decide where you go. His brother told him he was bad when they were still living.'
'And where exactly is this child.' I asked.
He pointed towards a small child, sobbing on the ground. I walk towards the child.
'He-Hello? Little boy?'
'Y-Yes sir?' He said sniffling and with tears in his eyes.
'I-I'm sorry but h-have you seen my daughter? Ple-Please I need to find her!' I said shedding a tear.
'I-I'm sorry I haven't. B-But I saw a blonde little lady go with my evil brother.' The little boy said sadly.
'Th-Thank you.' I said.
I walked towards the Dream Guardian and I asked him,
'How can I find this Niomy guy!' I said.
'You can't. He is in the Nightmare realm, and the only way you can get in is by dying and being evil enough to be but there.'
'Ugh!' I walked off and felt gilt when I saw the young boy. I felt like I needed to help him.
'Hey, um w-what's your name little boy? I'm Tomas. It nice to meet you. I'm sorry this happened to you.'
He stopped crying.
'I'm Xander.' Said the boy.
'Say...wouldn't you like to leave this nasty place?' He nodded yes. I smiled.
'Come on let's leave!' I grabbed his hand and he held mines tightly.
'Sir, Xander is ready.' I said to the Dream Guardian.
'Very well. Come Xander.' He went to grab Xander's hand. Xander didn't want to leave without me.
'I don't want to go without you.' Said young Xander.
'I'm sorry sir but you cannot go with are not dead.'
'Th-Then I'm not leaving!' Said Xander.
'Xander please!' I begged.
'No! I can't go alone!'
Without anytime to think, I said,
'Xander...Listen to me! I promise you! I'll be back!' He nodded ok.
I left the basement then I-" I cut him off now.

"Wait so Xander! Niomy...your own brother, killed you?!" I asked.
"Dianna, please, it's no big deal. It was for the best."
"ANYWAYS!" Lord Tomas yelled, "I felt a strong connection with Xander. He felt like a son to me, so I did the only thing I could. I got onto the roof and jumped. Yes...I committed suicide."
"For me, and you shouldn't have." Said Xander.
"Xander, I wanted to." Said Lord Tomas.
"We went into the Dream Realm and I became king of Meratle by order of the Dream Guardian. He saw how I sacrificed myself and thought I would be fit to lead." He paused. "And now Dianna, you must make a decision. Keep your humanity, leave and forget this ever happened, or stay...give up your humanity for these people and rule them! Protect them from evil! But remember...this has to be your decision. You cannot do it because of the people, only you!"

I felt bad! He was very old and could not rule for much longer. Those poor innocent people would also suffer. But I would to.
"L-Lord Tomas, I've made my decision." I said nervously.
"Yes? What is it?" He said.
"I-I, I want to stay here."
"Very brave Dianna, selfless. You didn't choose because you wanted to, but because you thought of others, which makes you fit for the throne...and still keep your humanity."
"Hu?" I said.
"I know give you LADY DIANNA OF MERATLE!"
"Congratulations." Said Xander. I was very happy.
"Thank you Dianna! Now I can rest in peace." He disappeared into ashes. I saw Xander crying a bit, but not out loud.

"Xander? Ar-Are you alright?" I asked.
He  stopped crying. "I'm ok. I kept my vow to him, and that's all that matters." He said.
"What was your vow, if you don't mind me asking."
"To never tell." He said, "Well, Lady Dianna, I now serve you. You now rule Meratle and all it's people."
"Wow. This is such an honor, Xander." I said.
"I'm glad you think so. And I am glad you proved me wrong."
"I'm sorry I didn't hear that last part." I said because I couldn't hear him.
"Uh *Ahem* anyways, you better get going home. I will tell the people of their new Lord, uh I mean Lady. For now, go home and take the Magnum Dream Catcher. From here on out, when you enter the dream world you will spawn here instead of the basement," He said, "but the basement is still open to you, although the nightmare doors will no longer be there. Now go and please be safe." He said smiling.
"Heh, no promises." I said as I woke up.
Wow this chapter was long! ._.
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