Stolen kisses are always sweetest

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Riley's POV
"Right that'll do for today guys, cool down then I'll see you all tonight" Miss Kate smiles at us. It's our first week of rehearsals since winning regionals, already preparing for nationals. So to celebrate our win, Miss Kate is throwing us a party.

I head over to my cubby to get my water when I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see James. I suppose we're pretty good friends, he was really sweet to me when I got kicked out of E-girls last year but I wouldn't date him, he's a player. And my sister is always sure to remind me of that as often as possible.
"Hey Ri" he smiles at me, slightly out of breath still
"Hey James, what's up" I smile back, while reaching for my bottle
"Don't even worry about it. So Ri you going to the party tonight?" He casually asks as I drink and place my bottle back in my cubby.
"Yeah Charlie asked me, I suppose you're going with Beth huh? How long is it now?" I ask him, leaning against the cubbies, facing him. I'm not jealous, I don't see James that way.
"Uh yeah, and few months I think? How about you and Charlie" he sounds a little disappointed at the mention of Charlie, I've no idea why though.
"Oh we're not a couple" I stammer
"Really? I've seen the way he looks at you" James sighs, looking at his feet
I'm about to ask what's up when he interrupts my thought
"Anyway, I saw this sweet move on MTV last night. I want to ask Kate if we can use it in the dance but it requires a lift. You up for helping me Riles?" He chuckles
"Why not" I giggle at his enthusiasm. He leaps forward picking me up and spinning me around while I squeal
"You're the best Ri" he smirks, placing me down again, wrapping an arm around me casually.

Once James leaves I head over to talk to Giselle, James touch still lingering in my mind, tingling on my skin. We make small talk for a matter of seconds when Emily calls me over to her.
"Hey Em, what's up?" I question casually
"I saw James put his arm around you, I saw you blushing Ri. And I spoke to Tiff. She told me she saw you and James flirting" she interrogates me, I hadn't realised I blushed?
"Em, James and I are just friends. He asked me to help him with a lift for the dance. Besides you know Tiff, she's a gossip and always exaggerating" I sigh, "besides James is dating Beth and I'm going to the party with Charlie remember"
"Well Tiff also says she overheard James telling the boys he's only daring Beth to keep his mind off a certain brunette in A-Troupe" Emily remarks, shaking her head
I just roll my eyes and drag her outside to the car

James POV
I'm sat in my room checking out the move I wanna practice with Riley, getting the steps down when a photo of A-troupe catches my eye. It's from Regionals when we won the semi's. It's me hugging Riles and spinning her around, us both grinning like idiots. My mom took it. I smile at the memory, truth is Riley is different, I can't put the moves on her. She's cute and I love her quirks, how she rolls her shorts and bites her nails...
I suppose I'm happy that she's not dating Charlie, I'm only dating Beth to try prove to Riley that I'm not a player. Basically, I like Riley and I want to spend one on one time with her, not watch her with Charlie.

I arrive at the studio at 8.15 even though the party started at 8, mainly in hope that Riley would already be here and I can spend least time with Beth. Our relationship is just annoying, she's addicted to me or something. Beth's a nice girl, but she's not for me.

Beth clings to my arm as I lead her up the stairs, she wore way too high heels. As soon as we reach the studio, I notice my favourite a-trouper with Giselle. Riley's now short hair is curled with the front pinned back, her makeup made her already beautiful face perfect. She wore a tight dark blue dress, which was quite short and showed her incredible legs, which were extended by heels. She looked incredible.
"Hey Beth, Sarah just got here" I notice and send Beth off in the direction of her best friend before approaching Riley. I wrap my arms around her from behind in a bear hug
"Hey Riles" I chuckle
"Hey James" she giggles, turning to hug me properly
"How'd you know it was me" I pout as she pulls back, noticing Giselle has disappeared
"You're the only one that calls me Riles, and I recognise your cologne" she giggles crossing her arms
"Oh. Well you look beautiful" I compliment and I swear she blushes "where's Charlie?"
"He went to get me a drink, although I think he got sidetracked by Sarah. Where's Beth? She's normally stretched to you" she smirks at me sweetly
"I also sent her in the direction of Sarah so I could talk to you" I grin at her
"They say great minds think alike, I know Riley has a great mind but I'm not sure about you James" I hear behind me

Riley's POV
I'm just laughing and talking with James when I notice Charlie approach us, glaring at James.
"James" he says coldly
"Charlie" James responds, equally as cold
"Your girlfriend's looking for you. Make yourself useful and go flirt with her, not Riley" Charlie growls
"We werent flirting bro, just friends taking" James explains calmly but Charlie scoffs at him
"James I know you're not the smartest, far from it, and clearly you don't know what flirting is, unusual for a player" Charlie smirks at James who looks stunned
"Charlie!" I shriek at him "James and I, our friendship is none of your business. You don't control me or who I'm friends with or who I flirt with"

I grab James hand and lead him to the opposite side of the room, leaving Charlie alone stunned by my outburst. James' hand feeling like it fitted perfectly with mine. Our touching skin making my heart speed up.
"Sorry about him James" I try but I'm interrupted
"Don't even worry about it Ri, now let's dance and have fun" he chuckles and pulls me over to where people are dancing

James POV
I watch Riley dance, getting into the beat and losing herself in it, so graceful and beautiful. I watch as she runs her hands through her hair and moves her hips, shoulders, grinning at me as she does so. I've never seen Riley look so sexy, I can't help myself. I reach forward and grab her waist pulling her closer to me, almost against me. She pushes against me and rubs her shoulders off my chest quickly, before turning in my grasp to face me. She's singing along to the song that's playing, One Direction 'what makes you beautiful', I place both hands on her waist and she places one round my neck, running the other through her hair again. I look into her eyes, and she quickly looks down, blushing.
"You're so beautiful Riley" I whisper in her ear and she just smiles at me shyly.
"James could you show me that choreo for that lift in studio B please? It's getting really hot in here" she asks, pulling out of my grasp
"Sure Riles" I sigh, thinking I've ruined my chance with Riley

We run the choreo, leading to the lift and Riley hits all of it perfectly. I lift her, and lower her into a dip, our faces inches apart, my heart beat slows as I search Riley's gorgeous eyes, hers doing the same to mine. Then again I can't help myself I pull her closer to me and crash my lips to hers, as she immediately kisses me back.

I allow her to stand after forgetting I was holding her in the dip, never breaking the kiss.  Riley doesn't pull back as I expected, she grabs my shirt and pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. I gently push her against the wall, one hand on her waist, the other cupping her cheek as hers have moved to my hair.
I slip the hand on her waist down, further to her ass, groping it, making her moan. I use her moan to slip my tongue into her mouth and she immediately reciprocates, as we begin to heavily French kiss, me toying with the sweet spots on her tongue, making her moan again.

In one swift movement I raise her thigh against my hip, making her grind into me. Riley pulls away and bites her lip and I remove my hand from her cheek, to her ass where the other was.
"Shit I'm sorry Riley" I try explain but she hushes me
"Answer me one question?" She whispers, our breaths mixing as we're only inches apart
"Anything" I mumble, beginning to kiss her neck, meaning her answer was mixed with loud moans, luckily the music in studio A is pretty loud.
"Are you only dating Beth to prove to me you're not a player?" She moans, while biting her lip "only a yes or no"
"Yes but-" I start but get cut off my Riley reattaching our lips, wrapping her legs around my waist in the process....

Tell me if you guys want a part 2 to this, it may be a mature one though...

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