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Riley's POV
"And 5,6,7,8...Riley make sure you tuck your legs in fully on that lift, good...James I know you don't want to drop your girlfriend but you don't want to hold her so tight you leave bruises...1,2,3 leg higher James. 6,7, Riley watch James on that turn, you don't want to kick him..." Kate instructs as we run our internationals duet. We've been rehearsing for weeks and our routine is nearly flawless, we just need to get it perfect.

"Final pose... Good" Miss Kate smiles at us, James lowers me from our lift cautiously before wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"With your guys chemistry the duet round should be easy" Giselle gushes walking into the room.
"Thanks" I sigh, still trying to catch my breath.
We'd been rehearsing for the majority of the morning without breaks so I'm pretty much dead on my feet. James is the same.

"I think you two have earned a break. I'll run Giselle's solo for the rest of the afternoon before group rehearsal okay?" Miss Kate sends us off, panting as Giselle gets into her starting position.
"We've got until 3. What do wanna do James?" I ask my boyfriend, placing my hands on his chest and getting closer to him. We have 4 hours to kill and I want to spend all the time with James, especially since he spends the majority of his time with the band or his boys.
"What I want to do is take you home and have my way with you" he says seductively, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me against him so I could feel his desire for me.
"Well then, why don't you" I whisper, tracing his chest with one of my fingers then pulling his lips to mine, being dominant for once. Which I though James would like.
But a few seconds into the kiss he pulls back and sighs
"I got band practice babe" he looks down at me, a slight look of disappointment in his eyes.
"Of course you do" I mutter, taking a step out of his grasp, crossing my arms and looking at the floor.
"Ri don't be like this?" James groans, attempting to put his arms around me but I shrug them off
"I'm not being like anything James, go have fun. I'll see you at 3" I sigh going to walk past him
"Baby" James calls after me but I keep walking, until his hand wraps around my wrist and stops me. "I'll be back at 2.30 so we can show the others our duet, how does that sound?" He smiles at me lovingly, pecking my lips quickly and running off to the music room before I can even reply.

James POV
I sprint to the music room, leaving Riley stood in the hallway just outside of studio A. Rehearsal for the band actually started 10 minutes ago but I know Kate wouldn't let me leave until the routine was perfect, mainly because there's exactly 2 weeks until internationals duet round. I obviously miss spending time with Riley but the band is actually becoming known to people after our gig at aunt Kathy's wedding. We've had a few requests to play at parties and stuff, nothing major though.

"And where were you?" Levi smirks as I get to the music room
"Rehearsals man" I tell them casually, heading for my drums
"For your duet or for making your first child?" Shane chuckles, even the band know about my sex life with Riley but I know they're just kidding and wouldn't mention it to Riley.
"Bro, the duet. Now are we gonna rehearse or are you gonna bug me about last Friday with Riley" I sigh, giving them fake glares
"Man, before we start we got news" Shane grins at me, then at the other boys
"We got a proper gig. There's a festival in exactly two weeks in Winnipeg and they want new upcoming bands to play, and we got asked. How sweet is that?"
"Bro! That's sick, wait until I tell the team. But if we're gonna play we need to sound good" I chuckle, playing a basic beat to give them a hint.

Riley's POV
I check the time on my phone for the fifth time '2.58' typical James, he forgot about me, again. I sigh and head over to where Steph just started stretching.
"What's up with you" she asks immediately, she's known me since I was 3 so I'm pretty easy to read when it comes to Steph.
"James was meant to meet me at half two to run our duet, but guessing by the time, he forgot" I exhale angrily, staring at the ground. Mainly to prevent myself from crying.
"And he doesn't seem to care" Steph mutters, looking over my shoulder, causing me to also look over my shoulder.
James had just walked in with Eldon and West, laughing and playing around with them.
I roll my eyes, excusing myself from Steph and head over to my cubby.

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