How did we end up like this

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Haii guys so I'm back and I've decided to change where they're heading too so hope you guys enjoy

Noemis POV

Today austin is taking me and the baby somewhere. He's also taking the guys. "So are we all ready to go?" Asutin asked with a lot of excitement in his voice. We all just nodded and grabbed our things. We got into the car and I left the baby in the back with Aaron and ginger princess. Phil and tino were way in back with all the bags. I was up front with Austin.

~meanwhile back at the ptv house~

Vic's POV

The guys were going crazy Jaime can't even smile anymore and when he does it's fake. Tony has been getting very worried and anxious. Mike is locked in his room all day n when he comes down for supplies he smells like weed or whiskey. Me I'm just sad because I lost someone who is like a little sister to me. "Hey guys how about instead of mopping around we go and find her" I said. Suddenly all there heads went looking to Tony because he was the only one that knew where she was. We started slowly walking to him. I think the guys had the same idea as me because we all jumped on him. "Turle give us the phone!" The three of us shouted. We heard something drop. Slowly turned around n saw Tony's iPhone 6 plus on the phone (I don't know if he actually has that phone so don't hate me). We all jump off tony and I was the first one to grab it scrolled threw all his contacts till I saw one that says baby sister. I started scrolling threw all there messages till I saw the message that said where she was going. "Pack your bags guys we're going too Disney Land, I hope she comes back with us".

*hours later for OM&M and PTV*

Austin's POV

"We're here guys!" I yelled. "Finally" Noemi yelled. We all got out the car. We ended up walking to the most magical place in the world. I looked at Noemi god she's so beautiful I had to go in. Before I knew it I was kissing her. She just pulled me closer. All of the sudden I felt someone push me away and then after that all I felt was pain.

Vic's POV

"It's so big and not one single parking spot!" I complained."Guys! That's Austin's car" Jaime yelled from the back seat. That's the first complete thing he's said since Noemi left. Hopefully everything will be ok. Then I saw it. Austin kissing Noemi something I've been wanting to do all these years too. Jaime must have seen because before I knew it he was out of the car heading towards them. When all ran out the car toward them because we saw Jaime starting to hit Austin.

Jaime's POV

I saw as Austin kissed my girl. My girlfriend of so many years and the mother of my child. I couldn't bare to see so I went out of the car and ran towards them. I pulled Austin away from her and then started punching him repeatedly.

Noemi's POV

I was staring at Disney land in disbelief. Austin looked at me I could tell. I then suddenly felt Austins lips press against mine. It didn't take that long till his lips were always from mine. I then looked and saw Jaime punching him. I stood there in disbelief thinking how did we end up like this.

Haii guys so I know it might have really sucked but I'm going threw a tough time at the moment and also today is the day of my birth so yea anyways see you guys later love you turtles

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