the copying of the dm awards

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does anyone else find it annoying how some people are doing their own version of the dance moms awards?

for the past month, I've come across three people who've started their own dm awards. and listen, if you did the maddie ziegler awards or the twinnies awards, that's okay, I won't be annoyed by it.

but, if you didn't know, you're basically ripping off the original dm awards if you're doing an award ceremony yourself with the same idea.

even though I'm not part of the dm awards committee, and I'm just a nominee, I know what copying feels like. it's irritating. I feel horrible for them, they got the idea first and everyone else decided to take their idea.

you know why I wouldn't be annoyed if someone did the maddie ziegler awards or whatever? because it's different. it has a different idea. it's not a rip-off of the dm awards.

I'm grateful that I've been nominated in at least all of the awards, but, it's not fair to the original. I care about originality more than me being nominated in four or six or how many categories. I don't care how many categories I'm nominated in, it doesn't make up for you ripping off the original.

it doesn't even matter to me if they gave credit to the original, and thanked them. because, ITS THEIR IDEA. IT DOESNT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DO IT YOURSELF.

for example, let's say someone liked an idea of one my stories. we'll say they loved the idea of starbucks lover. so, they make a story, basically a rip-off of it.

and they call it espresso lover.

but, in the blurb, they say, "all credit goes to maddieexziegler for the idea! read her story!"

exactly. it still doesn't make up for you doing a rip-off, even though you gave credit for it. if someone did this, I still wouldn't appreciate them writing a story similar to mine.

do you understand what I mean now? if the dm awards was an actual book, it's wrong. although it's not a real book, it's still wrong.

the dm awards doesn't need rip-offs. it's fine by itself. they said they try to include everyone, they say they try to think of lots of categories, they said they plan to do this for a while.

we don't need someone else doing the exact same thing but with different nominees and different profile picture.

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