Chapter Three: Another Day In Hell

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*Picture Of Stanley Above*

It has been two years since I was kidnapped. Two whole years. Since my day of being kidnapped, I haven't been outside of this hell hole, otherwise known as "The Pet Shop."

All I ever dream about is taking a step out of here. To walk in the sun. To feel its warmth again. I want to be a free woman. This is my major life goal, being free. To be my own person.

However, that doesn't seem likely at the moment. For one, Stanley is making sure of that. Stanley is the man who kidnapped me and brought me to this dreadful place. He has made it his main goal to make my life a living hell.

Today is another day in this hell hole.

He has come up with a brand new form of torture for me. He has locked me inside this dog cage, which I can barely turn around in. The cage is in a room without anyone else in, leaving me by myself. I haven't seen another being, human or vampire, for three weeks now. Not even a cockroach. Whenever I go to sleep and wake up, there is food and water in the cage.

I hated it. I hated this torture. I'm scared as I'm starting to go insane. I even have started to talk to myself.

The door to the room creaked open and I rushed to the front of the cage. Was that a person? A vampire? I don't care. I just want to see someone.

"Awe. Is someone eager to see me?" Stanley asked, speaking to me like I was a puppy.

Bitch I'm a lone wolf, but if I'm being honest, I'm relieved Stanley is here. I'm just relieved someone other than myself is in this room.

"Are you here to get me out the cage?" I asked desperately.

"Sorry baby doll, I can't do that. You're being tortured remember."

"Then no. I'm not eager to see you. I'm eager to kill you however."

"Oh I love it when you talk dirty to me. Damn shitbag. I have missed these conversations. This has been torture for the both of us."

"My name is Amelia. I was born Amelia and I will die Amelia." I hissed.

"Nope. I still think your name is shitbag."

"After two years I thought you would have at least come up with a better name for me."

"Shitbag is a good name. It suits you. You stink like shit, you act like shit and you look like shit."

"And your breath smells like you have been munching on a pigs ass." I smirked.

"Here I was thinking of actually considering letting you out."

"You were?" I asked getting excited and relieved at the same time.

"Up until you said that."

"No. Please. Forgive me."

"Awe are you actually begging me to let you out?"

"Yes just please."

"Are you hungry as well?"


"Then eat on this." He said grabbing his nuts.

"You disgusting leech." I said repulsed.

"Well, you wanted to get out of this cage and the only way to do that is if you suck your way out of it." He laughed.

"Never you filthy ape!"

"Bye then. See you in another month."

"Don't leave me in this cage." I demanded.

"Bye shitbag."

"STANLEY!" I screamed. He ignored me and shut the door, leaving me alone again. "STANLEY! GET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING CAGE! STANLEY!"

I started shaking the cage trying to get out. I had to get out of here. I can barely take 3 weeks, let alone another month. I need to get out of here. Maybe I should just suck him off. Then he would let me out.

No. I don't want to give him that satisfaction. But I had to. If I have any chance of getting out of this place, I had to get out of the cage first. The only way to do that is to act my way out of this cage, and the blow job he wants.

"Stanley please." I pleaded. "I know you're outside the door. I know you can hear me. I will do it. I will do anything you say."

The door opened and in he walked again. He walked over to the cage, stopping in front of it.

"Awe. Has shitbag finally found her place?"

"Don't push it or I won't do it."

"Or I could just force you to do it instead."

"If you force me to, I will just bite it clean off." I grinned.

"Shitbag. That's not the attitude you should have if you want to ever get out of this cage here."

I wanted to hold back the tears, but couldn't help the ones that escape down my cheeks.

He squatted down so that he was eye level with me before getting out a key, unlocking the cage door.

He opened it and reached his hand in. I moved to the back of the cage in fear of him hitting me.

"What's wrong?"

"Please don't hit me. Just leave me alone."

"But I thought you wanted to get out of the cage? You were fine a second ago."

"Just leave me alone. I can't take this anymore. I want to go home." I cried finally breaking.

"About time you broke." He smirked. He pulled out his phone and dialled a number. "She is finally ready."

With that said, he hung up and left the room. I looked at the open door of the cage and hesitated for a moment to get out. Was this a trap?

I slowly got out and stood up taking a look around and realised it wasn't a trap.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Dumb asshole. Did he really think I would just give in like that? That I would break with a click of his fingers?

Stupid leech. He's in for a bigger surprise when I get sold, escape and come for his head.


Author's Note

What are all of your impressions on Stanley?

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