Chapter Ten: Midnight Visits

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I entered my bedroom and decided to go to bed. Where would the PJ's be?

I went to the chest of drawers and tried the second drawer. Nope that's swimwear. Next drawer maybe? Nope just socks, stockings and tights. I tried the last drawer to find it full of nighties and thank God there was one camisole and short set. It was a beautiful teal, silk camisole with matching shorts.

I took off the dress and heels before putting on the PJ short set. It felt so smooth against my body. I could get used to clothes like this.

I looked at the time. It was only 7:20pm. Oh well, an early night will be good.

I pulled off my red, satin sheet and got in bed. Mmm memory foam mattress. I always wanted one of these. I never want to get out of this bed again. I easily fell asleep slipping into my dream world of being free.

The bed dipped waking me up. I looked to the clock which read 12:01am. Who the hell is waking me up at this time?

"Hello pet." Damon said.

"Oh fudge." I groaned burying my head into the pillows that felt like fluffy clouds.

"What do you think of the room?"

"Nice." I mumbled.

"Is that all you can say?"


"Much better. What about the bed? Is it comfy?"

"I prefer it without you on it."

"Ooo someone is grumpy when they get woken up."

"Who isn't?" I grumbled rhetorically.

"That's very true. But really, what do you think of the bed?"

"Why do you care?"

"I want to know my pet is comfy. A happy pet means I'm happy and less irritated which is good for you."

"It's very comfy, it's like lying on a cloud. Happy now? Can I go back to dreaming?"

"What are you dreaming off?"

"Not being with you that's for sure."

"Oh pet. You're hurting my feelings."

"Why are you still here?"

"This is my house? Would you prefer to sleep in the basement?"



"Is there a bed down there?"


"I'm good here then."

"I want to talk to you about what happened at dinner."

"Can this just wait until the morning?"

"No." He snapped, jeez anger issues much. "Now I want you to finish your sentence from before."

"What are you talking about?"

"When you said, 'I will leave when...' and then Joe dragged you away. What were you going to say?"

"I can't remember." I groaned.

"You're a very bad liar pet."

"Fine. Do you really want to know?"

"Yes I would. That's why I asked."

"I was going to say that I will leave when you use my real name."

"I do."

"No you don't. My name's..."

"Pet." He interrupted.

"No it's..."

"Pet." He interrupted me again.

He was really starting to piss me off. First he wakes me up in the middle of the night and now he's provoking me for an argument.

"Stop it." I warned.

"Or what...Pet?"

Oh he just had to go there.

"I hate you." I spat through clenched teeth causing him to chuckle. "Oh am I amusing you?"

"Actually you are, pet."

"Argh you're unbelievable." I said irritated.

"And you're very delectable." He added.

"Eww. Did you just call me delectable?"

"Yes. In those PJ's you are. I just want to rip them off you and fuck you against a wall."

"Oh." I gasped shocked.

I didn't expect him to say that. His eyes shone red in lust. I remembered what Joe said to keep my legs closed around him so I quickly shut them.

"You're no fun." He mockingly pouted.


"You secretly love it pet."

"Stop calling me that." I groaned in annoyance.

"Someone's really touchy about their name."

"Are we really doing this again? Pet is not my name, it's..."


"I give up with you."

"Does that mean that you're going to submit?" He questioned.

"I will never submit to you."

"You will, one day."

"I would die before I ever submitted to you."

"We will see about that." He sadistically smiled.

"Yeah we will."

"Night pet."

I ignored him and soon felt the bed lift as he got up. I looked up from the pillows and felt the bed to make sure.

"Missing me already." I heard him whisper in my ear causing me to scream.

He laughed as he stood back up straight and finally left my room to go to his. Evil, sadistic bastard thinking I will submit to him. Ha never in a million years.

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