Chapter Thirty Nine: Mate?

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*Amelia's Dress Above*

*Okay this needs to stop. Some of you are saying bad things about Amelia wearing a dress like this when some of you commented saying she was "slut shaming" in the first chapter yet it is what some of you are doing right now in this chapter. You can't just acuse me of slut shaming when I never did but then turn around and do it later on in the book. It makes you look hypocritical and not like a nice person. Just wanted to put this because I was fed up of people accusing me of "slut shaming" when they start to do it here.*

Another week had passed and Damon still hasn't spoken to or looked at me. He was acting as though I didn't exist and I have no idea why. Oh right, I remember, he wants me dead.

I got told by Joe to be ready by nine tonight as Damon is going to a club with me and Christiana as he's meeting with the Alpha of a wolf pack that lives nearby. First vampires and witches, now werewolves. What's next? The boogieman?

I went upstairs and into my old room. I walked in to find Christiana wearing a red dress that was just above the knee and had a plunging neckline. With it, she wore a pair of killer hooker heels.

"What are you doing in here?" Christiana spat with disgust.

"Master allowed me to choose a dress to wear tonight." I replied, glaring at her.

"Well hurry up. You're stinking out my room."

"It was my room before. The bed you sleep in, I slept there. Come to think of it, Master did many things whilst I lay in that bed."

"Well I do many things to Master." She smirked.

"Like what? Kiss his ass like the suck up brown noser you really are?"

"Yeah I do kiss his ass, and I suck his cock."


"Am I? Why don't you just ask Master himself?" She chuckled.

She had to be lying. He wouldn't. She's obviously trying to play a game with me in hopes I snap and hurt her, and Damon ignores me for longer.

Well two can play at that game, I thought to myself as I grabbed the faux leather mini dress and killer, black, hooker heels. Damon's attention will be all on me tonight.

I know this goes against my morals but if wearing something extremely short and revealing made him notice my existence again, then that is what I had to do.

I walked back to the basement, changing into a black thong, just so I can do the 'Oops! I think I dropped something on the floor and need to pick it up' move to give him a view of my ass. I will have him drooling on his knees by the end of the night.

I quickly got changed into all of the clothes, well lack of clothes I chose to cover my skin and made my way to the front door where Damon was stood with his arm around Christiana.

Oh but how that changed when I waltzed over to him with my hands on my hips, giving him his own modelling show.

His mouth practically dropped to the floor as he took in what I was wearing. I guess the whole pushing my boobs up helped give him more to look at.

Xavier wolf whistled and winked at me causing me to chuckle and Damon to do his usual growl of, "Mine!"

"Master." I smiled, bowing slightly to give him more view of my cleavage.

"Pet." He gulped looking nervous.

Excellent. It was working. He was turning into putty in my hands.

He even spoke to me! I'm glad I'm wearing something revealing as it's the only thing that is helping to get Damon to notice me again.

"The limousine is outside for you sir." Joe informed Damon as he walked through the front door. "Hello you."

"Hey Joey." I smiled.

"No...Joe." He smiled back.

"Gotcha." I chuckled.

"Pet." Damon said grabbing my attention.

"Yes Master." I replied batting my eyelashes as him.

"Just get in the car." He hurriedly said.

If he was human, he would be breaking a sweat.



I was in the club listening to this Alpha asshole going on and on about some bullshit. I didn't listen as all I could do was think about what my pet was wearing. Why did she have to wear something leather and very revealing? I just want to grab her ass whilst I pound into her.

Luckily I left her downstairs with Joe to keep an eye on her whilst I talk to this mutt. Christiana is with me as I can't leave her and my pet alone together.

I looked down from the VIP section to see my pet dancing with Joe. I hated the looks other vampires in the club were giving her.

"I will see you around." The Alpha said grabbing my attention.

"Yeah whatever." I huffed, waving him off.

He went down and I turned to Christiana when I heard my pet scream. I looked down to see the Alpha grabbing hold of her arm. How dare he touch her!

"Mate?" The mutt asked.

Oh hell no! No way is my pet his mate. She's mine and only mine. I would die before letting her belong to anyone else.

"No. I belong to my Master." I heard my pet reply.

Good girl. She will surely get a small reward for that.

"You're mine!" The mutt growled.

I dashed quickly so I was behind the mutt who dared lay a hand on my pet and pushed my hand through the Alpha's chest.

"No! She's mine!" I growled before ripping out his heart.

The Alpha's body dropped to the floor as I kept hold of his heart.

I looked over to my pet who just stared at me, shock evident in her face and eyes.

Good. She can look at me in shock. She's mine and no one is to hurt her except me. She's mine!


Author's Note

So who thinks that Amelia's plan to get Damon back is working?

Who hates Christiana?

And who was surprised as to what happened at the end?! Amelia was that Alpha's mate and Damon just ripped out the guys heart!

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