Chapter Six: Second Times Are The Charm

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*Picture Of Damon Above*

*Okay I get people may think he is "ugly" but number one, no one is ugly as everyone is beautiful in their own way, number two, if you don't like him then you can imagine him as someone else, I am not stopping you, and number three, the person I chose is who I see him as. You may see him as someone else and you are not wrong as who you see him as, is who he will be for you. I just see him as who I chose because it's who I imagined. Everyone thinks differently so please stop saying he is "ugly" because that is not very nice and if you read my posts on my page, will know I do not like bullying of any kind. Just putting it out there.*

I was taken to the same make up room I was in before. Stanley stood outside whilst the woman walked me in. I sat down at the vanity table and the blonde woman left. As she left, the woman from last time came in.

"Hello again my dear."


"Not much luck last time?"

"No. They forgot to do those tests on me."

"I hated those tests."

"Did they check your you know? Thingy?"

"Yes. Horrible. I was glad they were at least gentle."


"Weren't they gentle with you?"

"No." I mumbled feeling tears start to build up behind my eyes.

"Oh you poor thing." She said sadly giving me a hug.

"I just want to get out of this dreadful place." I cried.

"I know. I know." She said softly. She then pulled away and smiled. "Let me do your make up and guarantee you get sold today."

"I doubt it. None of them looked interested when the man at the podium said it took a long time to 'break me in.'"

"Maybe you will get lucky. As the saying goes, second times are the charm."

"I thought it was third?"

"Well we are going with second." She chuckled.

I tried to force a smile onto my lips but couldn't even do that. Maybe I did just get broken in. I had to find my inner strength again and fight for my freedom.

"Now hold still my dear whilst I make you look buyable, not that you weren't before but vampires like human women that wear make up."

I stayed still whilst she applied mascara, eye liner and lipstick again. My hair got brushed and I looked the same way I did yesterday, just a little bit more broken.

"All ready. Good luck."

"Thank you." I replied.

I stood up and went to the door. Stanley went to grab my arm but I flinched away.

"Fine. Just make sure you keep up." He said before starting to walk off.

I hurriedly followed him back to the room from yesterday. It was like déjà vu again.

The room was full of girls, who were being taken out into the stage area one after the other. This time, I was the last to go on which meant that the room I was in, was empty, leaving just me and Stanley alone.

I sat in the corner with my knees up to my face, cowering away from him. Just then, Stanley motioned for me to follow him.

I slowly got up and followed him out onto the stage before kneeling by the podium.

"The last girl I have for you, is Amelia Young." The short stubby man at the podium announced.

I didn't want to look out at the crowd again. Last time I did, I was met with red eyes, glaring at me. I kept my head down and tried to draw less attention to myself.

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