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"Uhh... just kill me!! I can't take this anymore," Ferguson pleaded.

Fortunately he hadn't wounded up like Alfonzo- who was slamming his head on the table in attempt to wipe out the memories. Why?

It begins with Marco.

"I mean, it's not like I did anything wrong. I just told her that I'd be going to college. And she started going crazy!! Ok fine, I did say she wasn't serious. But big deal, my parents aren't even serious. Do you know how many times I've had to see my mom admiring my dad's chests hair. I mean gross."

All morning the boys had to deal with that. All morning!! They tried to get away. They went everywhere, the library, several gazillion classrooms, they even tried the girl's bathrooms (and suffered a beating worse than death- but it was still worth it.) After all, Marco wouldn't stop bringing up his issues. Ferguson rolled his eyes.

I guess it's better than this.

He knew better than to just slam his head on the table- in his opinion only idiots would do that.

So he clogged his ears with mashed potatoes. It was the only way.

And then- a miracle happened.

"Prom tickets are still here! Last minute prom tickets, GET THEM NOW LOSERS!!!!! Ugh, like for real- I'm too pretty to be doing this," announced Brittney Wong, a.k.a: one of the most popular girls at Echo Creek- also one of the meanest.

Yet her message sure fired up a crowd.

Students would've mauled her if she didn't get the heck out of there so quick. Practically a quarter of 12th grade was standing in one line- well, clump.

"Geez, I would've thought everyone would've gotten tickets by now. Prom is just around the corner," Marco commented- and at last changed the subject!!

Alfonzo's head sparked up, and Ferguson dug out his ear-food.

"Dude, you've gotta go!!" Ferguson reminded him. Marco gave him a sarcastic look.

"Very funny."

"C'mon, everyone'll be there. This is your last chance to ever have a prom memory."

"The life's still young, I can get more memories. Even better ones. Especially like something as lame as prom."

And I thought I was antisocial.

"You'll regret it later," Ferguson foreshadowed.

"No I won't."

"Marco, go. Enjoy prom."










"Ugh." Ferguson gave up. Marco just wouldn't budge.

Alfonzo gave it another shot. "I think you'd enjoy-"

"For the last time- I'M NOT GOING TO-"

"Hey Marco."

Unexpectedly, Marco felt something on his shoulders. He turned around to see two hands with Aqua nails. Blond curly hair was in his face. And of course, there she was.

"Jackie, hey," Marco greeted. She smiled at him.

It took so freaking long for it to happen- but finally the day they became friends eventually arrived. He even felt a bit calmer with her around. She always made him act different for some reason.

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