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It was the best moment of his life. Or... at least he thought. It was supposed to be that way. He was certain that it would- almost certain. (And that's a really big almost.) It was just that somehow he felt like something came between him and his perfect night. Something that kept setting bombs on his happiness. Something that was killing his prom faster than a knife. And the worst part- he couldn't figure out what.

"You're a pretty good dancer," Jackie complemented, as they swayed to the music. Everything went just a he imagined. His dream girl was right in front of him. Her arms around his neck, his over her waist, and the rhythm of their bodies danced in harmony. Everything was perfect.

"I never knew how to dance to begin with," he said, twirling her around. They were laughing all over again.

Jackie looked pretty in her one shouldered gown, colored green mint to match his suit. Marco couldn't believe his luck. He was really at prom, dancing with her- it was like a fantasy. Almost.

However strangely, the adrenaline rush- it was a dead corpse that night. Unlike before, he felt nothing special. As if he didn't like her anymore. As if he grew feelings for someone else...

They spun around, moving as 1. The music guided their feet. And although they were joined by hundreds of other students, it felt like they were the only 2 there. Jackie's head rested on his chest, and Marco could smell her perfume. She smelled of a fresh tropical rain.

She peered right into his eyes, and he caught himself directly face to face with her, their noses almost touching. His eyes bounced from her blue gaze to her coral lips. Silence stirred among them, the tension seeming deadly. Though the way they stared at eachother- words couldn't replace it. Almost.

It was like they were using their eyes to communicate. And as though they both knew what was gonna happen, they both knew what was on one another's mind, Marco leaned in and- Jackie's phone started ringing.

They stood frozen for a second, and pulled away. Jackie swore whoever it was would suffer her exploding rage. Oh yes, they'd certainly be paying- big time. She didn't care who. Not even if it was... her brother?

Jackie rolled her eyes. What could've been worse than having your annoying brother interrupt you at prom? Oh wait, when your annoying brother interrupts you during a kiss at prom, that's what.

On the other hand, Marco didn't know what to feel. Some of him wanted to kiss Jackie, while another part of him was glad he didn't- and some of him just wanted to smash his head in a wall until he got his feelings together.

You're in love with Jackie, remember. He frowned. But, then again- you also like Star.

She put a hand on his shoulder, with an apologetic look. "I am so sorry Marco. My brother just has zero patience whatsoever." She sighed. "But I've gotta take this- could be important."

"I get it. Family matters."

"Thanks for understanding."

Actually, Marco wasn't even fazed. That just gave him time to get his head together.

Yet before he could think, he heard shouting. Really, really loud shouting.

"I already told you where I was!!!" It was Jackie. She was arguing on the phone, and clearly could care less about all the heads turned in her direction.

Looks like somebody's drawing a bit of a crowd.

He walked outside, and found her pacing in front of a tree. She looked enraged.

"What, you want me to spell it out for you!?!? Can't I just get one night without you losing your head!?!"

She continued stomping back and forth, ruining her $100 prom shoes. It was amazing she hadn't drawn flames yet.

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