Part One: The Threat

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Whew, at last I finished this. For the record: I didn't ditch this story, it just took FOREVER!!!! Cause it's a total of 3 parts. But it's here, so hopefully you like it :)

"She's back!!!" soldiers cried. "Star Butterfly has returned."

The queen turned to faced three jacked up, old, beaten looking soldiers. She faced her mirror again, and applied another layer of Everberry pink lipstick. "Bring her in."

The main soldiers faced the ground with a nervous look to the eye. "Umm... about that. She erm--"

"Lemme guess. Refuses to obey orders."

"Kinda. She requests to see you, your highness. She's in the front yard."

"I see."


"It's nice seeing you bothered to show up. Dismissing appointments now, are we?"

Star was done. No more would she take of her mother's ranting. She held her head high. "Mother. I have something to say. It's important."

I doubt it's anything important but... "What is it?"

"About this whole marriage- I can't marry Tom. You know that."

"We talked about this."

"No! You did. Now it's my turn."


"Mom." Her voice came out strong. Her blue eyes daring. "I can't marry him."

"And why is that? He's perfectly fine. Besides, he'll do great things for us."

"I just can't."

"Because he's a demon."

She shook her head silently. "I have a boyfriend."

The soldiers gasped. That quickly went to the drama network. Her mom stood in total silence- which turned to anger."

"You're dating someone!?!? You do know that's against the law."

She looked at her mom like it was a joke. "What law?"

"The one I just made 2 seconds ago." She snapped her fingers. "Scribes, I hope you got that!!!"

"This is crazy. You can't force me. Tom's nothin' but evil. He's a load of crap compared to Marco."

"Marco. He's the one you're dating."


She could've done better.

The Queen gave him a cold stare, then focused back on her daughter. "I'm still mad at you," she added.

"I'm sorry, but we're-" She took his hand, and he put his arm around her. "We're happy together."

Her mom's face made it clear she was NOT!


"Should've listened to your daughter," spoke Tom's voice. He walked slowly in. Speak of the devil. Wait no, demon.

"Tom. I'm so sorry about this. How much have you heard?"

Star rolled her eyes. "Mom, you're actually gonna believe him?"

"That's enough."

"Queen Butterfly, Tom can't be trusted. He's dangerous," Marc pointed out.

"You stay out of it. This is has none of your concern."

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