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***Yeah, I had to that-- I just can't get enough of that song, it's so cute!! :) OK, I'll shut up now, have fun reading!!***

"Spaaace unicorrnn, soaarinn' through the staaarrs-"

Immediately, reality slapped Marco in the face, and dragged him out of his thoughts. He was in Star's room, surrounded by thousands of funky creatures, abnormal moving objects, and of course rainbows!!! You just can't forget the rainbows!! Yet most importantly, he was holding Star- right in his arms.

His face burned crimson, and he lowered her. Still his heart was out of control.

Do I really like-

"Aren't you gonna get that?" Star interrupted.

"What? Oh, right."

He scrambled through his pocket. And of course- Jackie had called.

Marco began to smile. "Hey, what's up?"

"Not much," Jackie responded. "Just chillin'. You?"


"So listen, I've got a little favor."

"Anything for you."

Star rolled her eyes. So is he just gonna talk to her talk right in front of me or what?

"It's my parents. They want you coming early, cause they just gotta take pics. I mean, if it's fine of you of course."

"Not a problem. I'll be there say- five-ish."

"K. Missing you already."



He ended the call, still smiling. And immediately saw Star afterwards- who looked downright irritated.


"I'd like my wand please."

He just realized it was still gripped in his hands.

"Oh right. Ok Star, you win this time. But only because of prom. Now 'scuse me, but I've got a date with Ja-"

"I know, I know. Jackie Lynn Thomas, the girl of your dreams- and only one for Marco Diaz. Heard it all before. But I've gotta get back to work now."

He was slightly stunned. That's new. Did I do something?

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. And even if something were, you wouldn't understand."

"Is this about college? Cause-"

"No, of course not."

"Then what?"

Oh, besides the fact that my mom's stressing me about being queen, you're in love with Jackie, and if I tell you I'm leaving Earth now you may not even be be my friend then-

"Nothing. Everything's cool. But I think I'm a little hungry."

"Yeah, my parents were worried about that."

Her eyes lit up. "Can you some make nachos!?!?!"

He gave her a glum look. "Sorry, but Jackie needs me. And I don't have extra time to cook. Plus, this outfit can't get ruined."

Well, he does look cute. Just look at that green bowtie- so adorable!!! And his hair- it's never that nice. Woah- what'm I saying? You know Marco's into Jackie. She glowered. Ugh, why does he have to be into Jackie?

"Fine, I can make them myself."

Marco was utterly struck with terror. Last time he tried teaching her to make nachos- let's just say he must live under a lucky star to still be alive. Lesson learned: magical princesses aren't cooking material.

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