Part two: Nightmare's Garden

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"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Buff Frog howled, as he sat in pain. The chair was torturing him with fire-like heat which pressed against his skin. It was as if a thousand knives repeatedly stabbed into him He'd rather die than suffer another second. It was pure agony.

He wondered what he had done to deserve such a cruel fate. Who was the mastermind behind it? Though it wasn't like he didn't know. Who else would it have been? The only thing he wanted to know was why. But he couldn't think- not with the hot steel bars burning him alive. Yet if he got out- he knew that the first thing he'd do was get revenge. He was done with his tricks.

Slowly he could feel himself grow stronger through the fury. The hate. His muscles gained strength drastically, and his mind was consuming more thoughts, only this time they were evil, he could only think of a thousands way to seek revenge.

But most importantly- his eyes had turned black as night.


He took another sip of swamp water, which included dirt and even an eyeball for extra flavor. Delicious.

"I'm such a failure," Ludo cried. "Where did I go wrong? Every time- every single freaking time I try, I lose. I just lose."

On the other hand, Toffee (a tall alligator looking dude with slick hair and one chopped finger) lowered his glass. "Perhaps your lack of variety in attack mechanisms is part of the problem."

Ludo gave a dumb look. "What? Lack of variety- what's that supposed to mean?"

Toffee sighed. "Don't you agree that your procedure of invasion is incoherent? Or shall I say, imbecilic?"
"I don't understand what you're saying. Just spit it out!!"

"If you must know- you're plan is stupid. And please, do not take this as an offense."

Well it was a little too late for that. "What do you mean my plans are stupid!?!" he boomed. "I gain more success every time."

"Yes- thanks to my doings. Even still with your army, there's never enough progress made. Just face it Ludo, your mind lacks depth to determine a fully-thought plan. To you it's show up and attack. Of course with constant screaming to grab the wand as well. Though I don't blame you. I suppose I'd need someone else to reach it too if I was your height. It's clear Star Butterfly has set incredibly low expectations for you." He chuckled.

Ludo scowled. "Yeah yeah, I'm teeny tiny. Big deal. Laugh all you want now, but one day- oh one day I'll get that wand." He managed to climb his little self up onto the table, and fantasized it as a dark throne. His voice spoke with pure glee- which was kinda cray for someone evil. "Yes, I'll get her wand, and you and the all those those bumbling idiots shall bow down before me- LORD LUDO!!!!" His repulsive yellow eyes were basically shining at that point.

Toffee snarled. He went toward him, and knocked him off the table, then faced him as Ludo lied like a coward on the floor. He peered him straight in the eye, and with an evilly slow voice he spoke, "I thought we agreed we'd share the prize?" Ludo was too frightened to speak. "Am I- mistaken." He spoke so cold it made him shiver.

"R-r-right," he stuttered. "We-we're sharing. How c-could I f-f-forget?"

The vile reptilian creature gave a sharp toothed grin, and hoisted Ludo up. "I'm glad you agree. Unfortunately, we haven't yet succeeded. Though that will no longer be a problem. Not when there's Plan B."

"Plan B?"

"Yes. It is officially ready to commence."

Ludo liked the sound of that. It was almost as good as gut covered bats. There was just one little thing he didn't get.

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