Part two: Or Whatever

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"HAHA!!! They believe it!! It was almost too easy." De'mon cheered.

"Yeah well, that wasn't easy for me," Tom added, as he massaged his jaw. "Those knights totally beat me up."

"You had the potion. You could've left at any time."

"I dunno about you, but it's kinda hard to do something when they're jumping on top of your face."

"Oh you have so much to learn. Why can't you be more like your sister?"

"Will you quit comparing us. We were born to be opposites. She's water, I'm fire."

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Yet she's smarter.
"I'm stronger."

He nodded. "True. Anyway, we're getting off track. Tom, take Star out of the flame room."

"Or we could leave her hanging. I wiped the fire out."

He glared at his son.

"Alright, fine. Where do you want her?"

"You know where. She has to greet our guests. They've already arrived. I sure hope they like the garden." The two laughed all evilly--cause you know, that's how evil people be like" MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What? Too much?


A gargoyle nearly thwacked him straight in the head.

Marco looked around. Skulls, nasty water What's that in the water? Are those... EYEBALLS!!!! EW!

Also death vines. Death vines everywhere.

"Exactly where are we?" Marco wondered.

"Nightmare's Garden. It's a place Ludo built, yet this isn't where we're needed," Buff Frog responded.

Afterwards, he flung himself high up, and shattered the concrete like glass. And there was a giant hole that looked like it'd never end.

"Woah, what's down th--" However he was pushed in. Immediately he lost all his recent thoughts, feelings, and emotions. There was no thinking, just do. And the only thing he was doing was screaming as high as Nova could, and swiping his arms everywhere in search of ground. Unfortunately that did nothing.

However Nova's giant pink sparkly shield did some good.

It broke as he landed surprisingly gently on the floor. If it wasn't for her, his head would've been on one side of the room, and his brain would be crushed, with one leg by his neck and the other on top of his foot, and his eyes would be-- yeah that's enough.

He looked up, to see De'mon right in front of him. His long dark purple hair dangled.

"Oh look, the guests arrived. How... exciting."

"Where is she?" he asked.

"Excuse me."

Marco walked all in his face, completed with a grumpy cat face. "Don't play dumb. I know you hid her. I'm gonna give you a chance-- you either fess up the easy way-- or the Marco way."

De'mon shrugged. "Well alright." He took a step to the side.

That was easy. There she was. Tied up in ropes, with duct tape over her mouth again. He rushed over to her.

"Brace yourself," he said. Before she could even react, he tore off the tape, leaving a stinging feeling across her lips.

"Nova, I need a knife."

"Who's Nova?" she questioned.

A knife appeared in his hand, to cut her free. Together they worked to untie her.

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