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So first off, 1k views, wooooow *says no more words cause is too awestruck* sorry for not writing in a while, I've been busy with a lot of things lately, so I've been blowing off this story. Why? Cause my brain decided it'd be better to procrastinate than get the job done-- I'm berry saweeee :(

lol, anyway, this is the end- so no more procrastinating!!!! Welp that's enough of me, finally here's the end:

"Prisoner... prisoner... prisoner..." Star was enjoying herself. She had to admit, it was kinda fun bossing monsters around. "Servant... prisoner... servant I guess." She gave a smug smile when she walked over to the very last monster. "As for Ludo--"

He gave her a pathetic smile that spoke it all. "Hi... S-S-Star. So umm... sorry for putting you and your boyfriend in moral danger, I just really wanted to see that wand of yours. We can be friends-- right?"

But those blue eyes don't lie-- her face said it all. "Very funny, Ludo. But can you please stop talking so I can explain how you'll spend your life till you die? Thanks for your consideration."

"You get the special job of being the royal fool."


"I know, I know. No need to thank me. You're welcome. It wasn't much of a problem, really"

Well Ludo sure thought it was a BIG problem. A fool? He'd rather die. Was it even an option. He wasn't even that funny-- what would he do? He felt this little lump of dread just sitting there in his stomach. And when he saw what he had to wear-- he was pretty sure he fainted on the spot. But hey, sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with it.

Star walked past Ludo, to find Jackie and Tom cuffed, with their heads bowed down to Star Butterfly-- former future queen of Mewni. That's right, she decided not to be queen. But I'll get to that in a second. Before that, this happened:

"Since you never did get a chance for a normal life--"

"Hold up!!" Jackie interrupted Star. "You think our lives aren't norma!?!? What's that supposed to mean???"

"No, no no no!!! What I'm saying is that you need another chance-- at a good life."

Tom nearly threw up. He was scared that he heard her right. "Did you say, good?"

And so after that, Tom and Jackie were given another chance. Mainly since their father brainwashed them into becoming evil servants. Tom become a soldier of Mewni. Surprisingly they let him make it past his first week. Even though he nearly burnt his pure steel armor at least 7--

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU!!!! I KNOW HOW TO FIGHT!!!!!!!!!" hollered Tom. Fire burst out of him. Again.

Actually, make that 8 times. But he's making process... slowly. As for Jackie, well she refused to be part of Mewni's team.

"I'd rather become sushi," is how she put it. She's a very independent young lady. (And a rude one too.) So the people of Mewni kicked her out-- don't worry, she wanted it that way. Now she's on Earth, where she swims in the deepest depths of the sea. However Jackie isn't totally gone. Here and there she like to mess with sailors, and lure them into their death. So then Trinity caught her and made her promise that she'd only kill bad sailors. It was a deal. You could say she technically is part of Mewni's team. Don't tell it to her though. Or you'll be next...


Now, about the queen:

So on the day that Marco, Star, and Star's parents were figuring out plans since Star confidently defied the throne: a miracle happened.

Trinity and Roxanne were just standing there, like the good fashion designers they were, then Nova came in. As she walked in the room, it was a split second later where her eyes were locked on one girl in particular-- Trinity. She was familiar to Nova. Nova had seen her before, a long time ago. (And by long, 2 years.) Because Trinity was her sister.
At first she didn't believe it. But she could recognize that freckled button nose from anywhere. It was definitely her.

Trinity felt the same way. Shocked. Amazed. Speechless. Nova ran up and hugged her, the two cried in happiness. Everyone watched them, basically as confused as the girls were themselves. Except Star. Instead, he was thinking of something a little different.

"I, Star Butterfly claim Trinity as the new-by Queen of Mewni. And Nova shall be the princess."

The audience gasped.

"Star!!" said her mother. "You can't do that."
"There isn't a law for that is there?" she asked.

Moon Butterfly began to speak. But the words stopped. Her daughter was right. "No."

Star grinned. "Well then. My claim is official. Trinity is the new queen. And her sister can be the princess. Does anyone oppose?"

While Nova couldn't stop bouncing up and down, Trinity raised her hand. "That's really sweet of you, but I can't be queen. I was raised in a ruddy dimension. And grew up with the heart of making clothes. Why would I be a queen."

"I'll be the queen then!!" Roxanne spoke up. "If Trin won't rule, then I will."

"No," said Marco, immediately after.

"Sorry Roxy, but Trinity has a kind heart. Stick to sewing hun." Roxy rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. You're lost."

"Ok does anyone else-- besides my old designers go against this!!!"

No one else dared to speak.

"There ya go!! Trinity's the new queen!! Let's go Marco."

He frowned. "Wait Star, where're we going?"
"Earth, silly. I think I've had enough of Mewni adventures for a day. Besides, who else is gonna keep an eye on De'mon while he's in jail?"

"You've got a point."

They said their last goodbyes, and used the scissors. "Will you be back?"

"Of course," said Star. "When pigs fly!!" And with that, she made a flying pig with her wand. "By the way, mom, can you give Trinity the family royal heirloom."

"Huh?" Moon replied.

"Give Trin the family wand!!! De'mon told me everything, and I'll expect the real wand in her hands when we come to see her coronation. Duces!!!"

Her mother was left flabbergaster. She looked back at Trinity, who had a forced smile. She too was in total shock. Heck, they all were.


"Ahh... I could do this all day!!" Star said, as she rested on the couch. Marco played the movie, Big Hero 6-- sure it was childish for them, but it was still good. Except instead of eating popcorn, Star got the special treat of Marco's Super Awesome Nachos!!!!

He sat back down next to her, and Star cuddled up next to him.

"Couldn't say it better myself."

And they all lived happily ever after-- except for all the monsters, mainly Ludo who had to squeeze his buns into universe's ugliest outfit, and make an idiot out of himself all day. He'd prefer wearing potato sack. Also De'mon was stuck in jail for the rest of his life, and Star kept the wand, so De'mon has no magic. Plus the soldiers are gonna have a rough time keeping up with Tom. And evil sailors are doomed in the presence of Jackie. But other than that:

They all lived happily ever after :)

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