Chapter 7: Scott Dead. Family. Sleep. Murderer.

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"You know... " Samantha started, feeling y/n's chest. "I love your muscles~..." I glared at Samantha, mentally strangling her. Soon a buzz made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, y/n.. There was an emergency. My sister got sent to the hospital. " Samantha frowned, putting her stuff into her purse. She quickly gave y/n a small kiss on the cheek. I crinkled my nose and turned away.


"Goodbye, y/n. How about tomorrow??" Samantha asked. Y/n nodded. They said their goodbyes and Samantha left. I got up and went to the door.

"Where are you going?" y/n asked.

"Out. "


Samantha's POV

It felt weird to walk alone at night, but at the same time, relaxing. Today, I thought something bad was going to happen, but to my luck, nothing happened!

As I walked towards my house I saw the blinds quickly close. I stared and rubbed my eyes. Nothing. I walked up to the door and unlocked it. I twisted the door knob. I gasped as pain coursed through my body.

"Shh. I'm sorry y/n couldn't break it down to you that he has someone already.." a deep voice cooed. "It's me. The man that opened the door for you. Its funny how you thought he really liked you. He played you like a trumpet.."

I touched the man's chest and tried to push away from him, but his steel grip on my waist forced me down. I stared at him. A wide grin appeared as he pulled the knife out. He brought me into my house and closed the door.

He pinned me to the ground. "I might just have fun with you before I kill you. Y/n won't mind because he won't know at all... "


'Breaking news! Samantha Pucket (ah hell yeah!) was found naked in her home, dead. Witnesses say they saw her open her door, then someone was behind it, immediately stabbing her. He held her like he was in love with her. But soon pulled her in. '

"Psshh.." I growled. Y/n stared at the TV. I slapped his back and rubbed it.

"I know you did it.. Did you have to? " he muttered. I stared at him. This guy must be a detective. I kissed his cheek.

"Yes. She was all over you and I hated that.. We know who you belong to.. It's me..." I whispered in his ear.

"You're sick. " I glared at him.

"Baby, it's survival.. " Y/n quickly turned to me.

"Survival my ass..." he got up and went to the kitchen. I groaned softly and leaned my head back and looked at the ceiling.

I felt something sit down on me. It was May. Wait what?! "What are you doing, May?" I asked. May laid back and looked up at me. I blushed a bit and turned.

I wrapped my arms around her. She laid her head on my chest. "Sorry.. I couldn't help but hear the conversation..." she mumbled, braiding her hair.

"I knew what reason you went out. I'm not stupid. You were jealous..." I stared down at her.

"You and your father are detectives, I swear... " I chuckled, rubbing May's arm. May smiled a bit. She looked down then at the TV.

"I'm sorry. " May mumbled.

"About what?"

"You know.. When I hid behind the couch, and you know.. " I nodded and ruffled May's hair. I got up a bit, making May hop off. I walked into the kitchen.

"Listen, I'm sorry. Okay!? " I growled. Y/n was cooking dinner.

"Mhhhhm.." he hummed. He soon started to sing a tune. I walked behind him and kissed his neck.

"I'm serious, you derp.. " I growled. Y/n turned and handed me a bunch of broccoli.

"Can you put this in the fridge. Thanks.." he kissed my cheek. I stood in my place.

"Aren't you going to yell some more like you always do? " I asked.

"Nope. "

"Wait. What? "

"I don't want to argue anymore. I'm just gonna deal with it. Okay? Please put the broccoli in th-.. " Ding dong..

"Hi. " I heard May say from the front door. I turned and walked towards May. When went around the corner, I saw Mike, Jeremy, and Fritz staring at May.

"Uh.. Is Vincent here..? " Mike asked. May nodded. I went behind her and placed my hands on her shoulder.
"Hey guys. Come in. " I smiled. They awkwardly walked in, placing themselves on the couch and some chairs.

"We have some news on Scott..." Mike smiled a bit. I bit my bottom lip gently before motioning May to go into her room.

"Scott is dead. He was dead in his home with a gun in his hand. There was a bullet in the side of his head. " Mike mumbled. I nodded. Soon I heard y/n come in. He stopped and stared at Mike.

"So you think he committed suicide?" I asked, ignoring the fact y/n was there.

"Uh.. Yeah.. You never told us you and y/n were dating again.. " Mike stared at y/n. Y/n looked at me before sitting down next to me. I shrugged awkwardly.

"I ship it.. " Jeremy whispered into Mike's ear. Mike chuckled a bit, licking his lips. I noticed how tensed up y/n was. Was he looking for Scott? I rubbed his thigh, trying to calm him down.

He was shaking.. "Well, I hope you guys have a nice life.... With your daughter...? " Mike muttered, getting out of the chair.

"Mike, wait! " I yelled.

"Hm? "

"Tell boss Im gonna take the day off. Uh... Just tell him I am sick..." I mumbled. Mike nodded and walked out. Y/n locked the door and sighing loudly in relief.

"That Scott guy killed himself? " he asked. I nodded, getting up.

"Its getting late. I'm gonna check on May before I go to sleep. Good night..." I kissed y/n's forehead and walked upstairs. I went to May's room and went in, seeing that she was asleep. I sighed, smiling. I kissed her forehead and rubbed her arm.

"I thought my life would never get better. Now I have a lover and a child.. I wouldn't ask for anything else..." I whispered, staring at May. I turned and walked towards the door. I placed my hand on the knob but kept still. I gave May one more glance.

I waked into my room and plopped onto the bed. I didn't bother the covers. All I care for was sleep...

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