Chapter 9: Mega Downer

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I woke up. Of course, I couldn't see anything. I would never be used to being blind. It's... Scary... I felt pressure on my chest. Then I heard a voice.

"Hey there Vincent.. How's y/n doing? Is he still scared of me..?" a voice whispered. I stayed quite, clutching the bed sheets, but I couldn't move.

"Dont worry. You are having sleep paralysis. But, I'm oh so real..." oh. I tried screaming. I tried moving. Nothing happened. Is it really nighttime!? I never knew what to expect in a sleep paralysis.


"Shhh. We wouldn't want anyone else knowing I'm visiting my dear blind friend. It would cause too much attention.. But, we can have a little small chat before the sun rise. I'll let you talk if you promise me you won't scream.

"Oh... Darling, grape. Make sure everyone thinks I'm dead. Understood? Next time we meet, I will let you talk. Good bye, Vincent.."

I gagged on my spit as I jumped up. I heard a crash in my hospital room. I winced at the once painful pressure on my chest that had still been there.

"What the hell, Vincent!?" I heard a voice cry out.

"S-sorry, y/n.. I had a dream, is all... " I muttered, staring where the crash came from.

"Oh. Wanna tell me what it was about? A nightmare that made you jump like that must have been pretty scary..." he mumbled.

"To be honest, I don't remember it. " I lied, rubbing my arms. Y/n placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up. At least let it be a miracle where I can see his face. Thats all I want.

"You just woke up from it. Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yeah.. I'm sure..." I mumbled.

"Okay then.. " he kissed my lips. Finally. I never thought he would do it anymore, but he did. I kissed back, but it quickly ended when the door slammed open.

"Hello y/n.. I visited your boyfriend last night.. He is a nice sight when he's stuck laying on his back, cant move, and can't talk. I mean serial killers would love that.. " I heard y/n step back.

"No.. It was just a dream.. " I mumbled.

"S-Scott! Leave us alone! You are supposed to be dead! Thats what Mike and the others said!" y/n yelled. I grabbed his shoulder. He was trembling. I pulled it down to my level and whispered into his ear.

"Look for my knife under my pillow. Once you have it, rush him. I don't care what happens to him or me. As long as you are safe. I'm blind so I can't obviously stab somebody, but you can. Get the knife under my pillow. "

"O-okay.. " he whispered back. He pressed his lips on my cheek. I sat there as y/n fumbled for the knife. He pulled it out and went silent. I soon heard footsteps, a smack, and then a thump.

"To easy.." I heard Scott chuckle. He soon screamed. "God damn it you useless shit! Why the fuck did you stab my foot!? " there was a louder thump. Soon the door opened again.


I sat on the floor and rubbed the bootprint on my cheek. Then I winced as I touched the burn from the slap. I sat next to the knife with blood seeping on it.

"Y/n are you okay..?" I looked up to see Scott. I turned away, only from him to kneel down and make me look at him. "That was a very bad idea.. Seems like you've gotten dumber when Vincent went to the hospital. " I heard the door open.

I turned towards it. Soon blood trickled down my nose to my mouth. I saw May. "M-May... Run... " I growled the best I could. May stood at the door frame, staring at the scene. I saw her eyes narrow on Scott. I shifted a bit.

"Come here little girl... I really like children.. " Scott hummed, grabbing the knife.

"With pleasure, asshole..." May growled. She walked over to Scott and sat there.

"Big words from a little girl. " Scott smirked. May growled.

"You are the man that hurt my father.. "

"Thats not so true, sweetcheeks." he paused before closing in on her ear. "I raped your father.. " May stared at me. Her pupils seemed to get smaller.

"Get away from my father... " she mumbled. Her fist we balled up.

"And what if I do-!" Scott fell the ground. May shook her hands, rubbing her knuckles.

"Your jaw is hard.. " she mumbled. I got up and pinned Scott to the ground.

"May, notify the nurses.. " I yelled towards her. May tapped on the button and waited. Soon two nurses came in. One was male and one was female. (Hey, there are men nurses out there!)

"What's wrong..? " she asked me.

"This man is harassing our family. Can you please call the cops..?" I asked. The female nurse nodded and walked out. The male grabbed Scott and waited on the police.

"I would also like to check Vincent out of the hospital.." I muttered. The male nodded and walked out with Scott. Scott glared at me before turning towards the exit. May walked towards Vincent and sat in the chair next to his bed.

"You okay? " Vincent asked, staring at the ceiling.

"Y-yeah. Dad is a bit hurt though..." Vincent nodded and rubbed his eyes. He closed them and sighed loudly.

"Scott's a real w-. "

"Vincent.. " I interrupted him. Vincent groaned and sat up. He rubbed his eyes again and stared at the door. I sighed as the nurse came back with a clip board. I signed my name to register him out. The nurse rolled in a wheelchair and helped Vincent onto it.


Vincent sat in his regular spot on the couch. I put a cup of tea in his hands and went to go wash the dishes. Vincent thanked me and sipped some of his tea, but soon did some type of dinosaur screech.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you, its hot. " I chuckled. Vincent frowned, putting the tea cup on the coffee table. I moved back into the kitchen and started the water in the sink.

May went into the kitchen and got a bag of potato chips from the cabinet. I snatched them quickly and sat them on the counter.

"After dinner. " I smiled a bit, focusing my eyes on my dirty dishes. May grunted and walked out, having a female teenager attitude. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

I heard the tapping of a cane. Vincent. He walked in, his black glasses on his face. I turned to him and frowned.

"Ya know you don't have to wear that thing around the house. It makes you look like Robot Cop.. " I soon smirked at Vincent's expression.

"Robot Cop. Who is he? Dead or alive, your coming with me! " he sung. I started to chuckle softly, clapping a beat.

"We came! We saw! We kicked their ass! Give 20 dollars in cash.. " I responded. Vincent leaned into me, laughing. We both laughed at our little inside joke.

"N-No! Thats not how it went, I thought! " Vincent laughed louder. I wrapped my arms around Vincent's neck and laughed into his shirt.

"I haven't said it in a long time. Dont blame me! " the laughing seemed to calm down after a while. I stopped washing the dishes just to hang out with Vincent. Just two men and a bottle of beer. Or maybe two. I forgot.. But what could go wrong!?

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