Chapter 13: Tears Tears and More Tears

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I sat tied up in my chair, sobbing. The cold room gave me chill bumps as I struggled to keep warm. Scott was probably drinking, because the sound of glass breaking echoed from the other room. I soon heard the door unlock.

"Stop crying you piece of shit!" he yelled. He walked up to me with the broken glass in his hands and put it up to my neck. I sobbed silently as the glass pierced my soft skin.

"What!? Did!? I!? Say!? " Scott growled, pressing harder. Soon his eyes widened as he pulled away. Vincent stood with a gun in his hands, the gun pointed at Scott's head. Without warning, Vincent pulled the trigger.

Blood splattered everywhere. A physcotic smile grew on Vincent's face as a bit of blood splattered onto his cheek. He licked it before glancing at me. "Hello. ~" he purred.

"V-Vincent.." I mumbled. Vincent stared at me before pointing the gun at me. "V-Vincent! W-what are you doing!? " I tried to get out my seat. Still tied, I fell sideways onto the ground. I hit my head and blacked out.
I was still tied, this time in a different room. It was another bedroom. A shadow stood in the dark. I wiggled and moved, trying to get away. The figure got closer until it was in the light. Vincent.

"Hello, baby..." he purred, rubbing my chest. My check flushed with embarrassment as he traced my stomach, which was skinny from the food deprivation Scott had me on.

"V-Vincent.. Why are y-you doing this.." I asked, shaking in fear.

"You left me with a kid for five years. Bad mistake.. " Vincent growled.

"WHERES MAY!? " I yelled, coming to my senses.

"Stuffed in a Golden Freddy suit. " I started to sob, clinching my teeth as I tried to wiggle my way out the ropes.

Vincent sat on my lap and chuckled. He put his hand on my mouth, making me stop crying. He slowly licked my tears, smirking in the process. I looked away and started wiggling again. Vincent grabbed my wrist from behind as squeezed it tightly, causing me to stop.

"You can't escape. Why try?" he hissed. "You should enjoy your punishment, because I'm gonna fuck you til you can't walk. " He pressed his lips on my neck, licking it up and down.

"S-stop! You k-killed my daughter! Y-you monster!! " I yelled, hitting his jaw with my shoulder. He yelped and growled, rubbing his jaw. He looked at me and smirked.

"How about I show you how much of a monster I am?~"
I laid naked on the bed, trembling as Vincent's back was turned from me. Soon he turned around and give me a smirk. "How fun was that?" he smirked, rubbing my side. I scooted away from him and turned my back to him.

"Leave me alone. "

"You know... You can't escape me.." he whispered in my ear, now rubbing my bum. I started to cry. Vincent groaned and got closer, so much that his member was poking my butt.

"Dont cry.. I love you, so I hate it when you cry.. " he whispered, wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me closer and kissed my neck.

"Get off..." I mumbled.

"No. "

"GET OFF!! " I screamed, turning and punching him. He gasped as he fell off the bed, hitting his head on the night stand. He growled and looked up at me.

"Oh you've done it now.." he growled, tackling me. He started to punch me, drawing blood from my nose. He used both fist and pounded on my face. I tried pushing him off with no luck. His eyes were black with white pupils.

"S-STOP!! " I yelled. He grinned and stopped, wiping the blood from his forehead. Vincent sat up and ran his bloody fingers through his hair. He smirked and looked down at me. (Sho Smexy)

"Alright. I was just showing who the woman of this relationship is.." he chuckled, leaning down and kissing my chest. I sighed, trying to push his head away from me, only to have my hands pinned down...

"Why can't you just kill me... " I cried. Vincent looked up and smirked.
"Because I love you, of course."

"You dont love me. If you did.. You wouldn't do this to me... " I mumbled.

"You dont get it, my love. I do this for you.. I do this for us. " Vincent whispered in my ear. I growled and pushed him off, getting off the bed and sitting on the cold floor.

"What happened to us? When I said I love you. You said you loved me back. When we first made out in my car.. What happened to that couple, you might ask. Well, we were young and stupid.. " Vincent got out of bed and sat down beside me.

"We lost that type of connection years ago. We then started getting... Rough..." he purred in my ear, rubbing my thighs..

"I don't think we ever had a connection.." I growled.

"Oh don't try to forget.. You were a criminal like me.. You broke into people's houses. I killed children. You had sex with an older man. I had sex with a younger man.." he winked at me. "I think we have the strongest connection..."

"Asshat..." I mumbled.

"Oh really..? " Vincent hummed. "We are insulting now? " I didn't respond. I just sat there and stared at the wall as Vincent blabbered on about how immature I was being. I ignored him half of the time.

Before I knew it, I was slammed into the wall. I winced at the pain in my head as Vincent made me look at him. He smashed his lips against mine and began kissing me. "Good luck..." he mumbled through the kisses. "Trying to escape from me.... Oh wait, you can't.."

I bit his bottom lip and pulled at it, hoping to hurt him. I soon drew blood, making him smirk. "Damn, someone's being feisty.." He pinned me to the ground.

(MadHatter:Why the fuck did you bite his lip?!
Vincent:*puts finger on lips* Shh. It's good for your health not to talk for the rest of the chapter. I wanna see some smut!
Killer:Actaul I have a rule about chapters. I dont go over 2000. You just wasted a hundred words, so that means its time for me to stop. I can finish the smut tomorrow.
Vincent: NUUUUUH! )

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