I froze in place. This had to be a dream. In reality, Connor knew that this is my place. My santuary. He never came to the diner unless I asked him. He claimed that the fries were too greasy and the burgers were too thin. He hates the diner. There is only one thing I can think of that he hates more. Me. He came here to spite me.
My anger boiled in my blood and I turned to leave before he noticed me. Or more importantly, noticed that his plan worked.
"What's going on?" Jack asked as I walked toward the door.
"Dude, it's him," whispered Nicola. As if her whisper would make it any less true.
I walked out into the cool of night. I was lost in thought as I walked around the corner toward home.
"Oomph," a voice sounded above my head as I ran into a hard chest. Looking up, I saw the one and only: Aaron.
"Watch where you're going sweetheart," his southern accent laced through the night hair. He words were sharp but his tone was velvet.
"I'm sorry, I was thinking so hard. I- I zoned out. Sorry," I stuttered.
"You said sorry twice," his soft laugh delivered his words. "Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart?"
I couldnt speak. I was at at a loss for words. Not in my lifetime would I have ever thought that Aaron White, star football player, would want to know what flew around my brain. I searched for words and forced my stunned self to speak.
"Its nothing really. Just ran into an old friend that I didn't expect to see. It's hard to explain,"
"Well, if you do find a way to explain it, and you want to share, I will listen. See you around Clark."
He knew my name. Oh my gosh, he really knew my name. I had spent my years avoiding him, thinking he wouldn't remember me from the 2nd grade. But he did.
"Woah there, Flash," Nicola breathed as she approached with Jack.
"You okay?" Jack asked. The concern in his eyes showed how much he cared for me. "Wait, were you just talking to White?"
"Yeah, I was," I smiled. Nicola squealed beside me and started jumping up and down. Jack and I laughed at her enthusiasm.
As they walked me home, I told them of what Aaron and I had discussed. It was by far not the deepest conversation I've ever had, but it was a start. I found myself not even thinking of Connor or whether or not he saw me.
Once we got to my window, Nicola gave a crushing hug that could have left damage on my internal organs. Whereas Jack opted for his usual soft kiss on the cheek. I appreciated the love his gentleness held, as well as the love Nic's hugs squished into me. I really am blessed to have these two wonderful people in my life. We said our goodbyes and I started the horrid climb up to my window.
It was now 1:30 am and I was wide awake. Instagram always kept me company in times of need like this. I grabbed my phone to turn it on and fell asleep with it on my face.
Upon waking, I realized that I was indeed late for school again. I rushed out of bed and took the fastest shower known to the Clark family. I made record time and scrambled into a cute dress to make me look like less of a slob. I try to limit myself to one slob day a week.
I grabbed my phone on the way out and noticed a text.
What's so funny?
Your useless anger. Your sassiness. You.-Martin
I did not have time to answer this. Nor did I have the patience or amount of sleep it requires to deal with his antics.
The hallways of high school would forever be equivalent to hell for me. Too many girls applying lipstick and guys trying to flirt. The nerds cobstructing something and the drama geeks practicing their lines. It got sickening to watch everyday. The one thing that was unusual about today was the fact that Nicola and the crew were not occupying the space around her locker. I kept walking, confused as to where they were when I felt fingers lace with mine.
"Good Morning," a voice sang in my ear. I looked up at the familiar tone and smiled.
"Good morning to you too Jack." He smiled and squeezed my hand. "Where's the backup?"
"Oh, that's a story. Maria apparently had a break down last night and couldn't finish her midterm assignment. Chase is working on the poster and Luke is writing the paper with her."
"And Nicola?"
"No one knows. She disappeared early this morning." I wondered if this had to do with the obvious piece of information she withheld the night before. I knew I should have pressed for details to her dreamy sigh and giddy smile.
"Earth to Hannah," Jack waved his hand in front of my face.
"Oh sorry. What did you say?"
"I was wondering if we could study Bio after school today. I do not understand this mitosis and osmosis crap."
"Yeah, sure."
Biology was first period. If you ask me, Biology was probably made as a form of torture in some countries. It took such effort for me not to fall fast asleep in that class. Especially with the lectures that drones on and on. Everything soon sounded the same. Jack and I passed notes the entire class in order to keep our brains occupied. Whilst I was writing a response to Jack's "Would You Rather" question, a guidance counselor walked into the classroom and whispered in the teachers ear. I looked up to see that the guidance counselor was mine. She caught my eye and gave a look of condolences. My heart beat quickened as I though of possibilities. Was it my parents? My brother? Nicola? What happened? Just as I started to breathe heavy, my teacher called my name. I walked to the desk with worry written all over my face.
"You will need to come with me Ms. Clark," the counselor announced.
"What happened?" I croaked out. My throat was so dry, it felt like sand paper.
"Its your brother, he's been admitted to the hospital." As she spoke my vision went black. No. This wasn't happening. I felt arms grab me around the waist as I slipped from conciousness.

RomanceHannah didn't know what soft more year had in store, but now she wonders if she will ever be the same.