I stood in shock with my mouth open wide. Did he just call me beautiful?
"Um, t-thank you," I stuttered. He stood up tall with the same blank expression I had seen before.
"You're welcome." He began walking down the hallway again. I stood stunned at all that just happened. Never in a million years did I expect Martin Ackerman to call be beautiful. I never thought he viewed me in that light. I was just the friends little sister. Martin didn't show interest in even getting to know me. Now he is commenting on my appearance.
While I was lost in my thoughts, Martin had disappeared. I ran down the hallway looking for him. Maybe he went to Jeremy's room already. I headed to his room and found Jeremy alone, asleep. I went outside the the room and looked down the hallway. There was Martin walking around with a frustrated face.
"Martin!" I called to him. He looked up to see me. Relief covered his expression.
"You know, you could have waited for me. Then you wouldn't have gotten lost." I smirked at him.
" You were looking like a deer in headlights. I didn't think you were moving soon. Plus, I thought I would find your mom."
"She's on lunch." I stated, purposely ignoring his comment about my stunned state.
"Next time I'll wait for you," he poked my cheek with his index finger.
"Rule #1," I grabbed his finger and pushed it back. "We don't touch the Hannah."
"Oops," he chuckled.
"Jeremy is sleeping, so we should probably wait out here for a bit." I sat in the visitors chairs positioned outside the room along the wall. Martin proceeded to sit next to me. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever. I guess the awkwardness has decided to revisit us.
"So, you said you used to dirt bike with Jeremy. Does that mean you don't anymore?" I spoke up.
"Yup." He popped the 'p'.
"When did you stop?"
"Junior year."
"Oh. Why?"
"You ask a lot of questions, Clark" he ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"I like to hear about people's lives."
"Well do me a favor and don't inquire about mine." He spoke in a harsh tone.
"Why are you mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you. I just don't like people being nosy about my personal life." He stood up and walked to the other end of the hall. He leaned his back against the wall and took a deep breath.
"Sorry," I mumbled. After a long moment in time, he responded.
"Its okay." He came back to sit beside me.
"So what's the next adventure you have planned?" He asked with a toothy grin. I proceeded to tell him about my plan to get the group together to TP the principals house. There might be some forks thrown in there as well. He listened intently at my dramatic plan. We heard a groan from the hospital room beside us.
"That would be Jeremy." I spoke as I stood to walk into the room. "Hey sleepy head."
"Got the food?"
"Yeah right here man." Martin's voice sounded behind me.
"Martin. Hey, I didn't expect to see you until after school."
"Yeah well, school was boring anyways." Martin handed the croissant sandwich to Jeremy, who happily shoved half of it in his mouth.
"Alright sis, I'm ready." Jeremy said with a mouth full of food.
"So many questions, so little time." I grinned at him.
" Just get on with it."
"When did you start?"
"The summer before softmore year. Martin actually took me to the jumps. It looked so fascinating that I had to try it."
"Where did you get your bike?"
"An old shop downtown. I saved money for 4 months and got the crap bike I have today."
"Do you compete?"
"Have you won before?"
"Yes. Now can we be done? I want to watch Big Bang Theory. They're having a marathon today and this TV is calling me." I smiled. His obsession for Big Bang Theory was unhealthy. At least it wasn't as unhealthy as my obsession with French fries.
"One more question. Are you going to keep biking after this?"
" I haven't thought about it. I guess we'll see after my leg heals." With that he switched on the TV and ignored the presence of his two visitors. Sometimes he would turn to Martin and make a nerd comment and a discussion would arise. After about two hours of this, I decided I'd had enough.
"Alright, you're boring me to tears. I'm walking home."
"Wait, I'll walk with you." Martin stood and waved goodbye to Jeremy. We walked out of the hospital in silence as usual.
"You didn't have to walk with me. I'm okay by myself." I started.
"I know. I needed to get home anyways. I have to catch the phone call home that I was absent from school before my parents get it."
"Aren't you like eighteen?" I laughed.
"Then your parents need to let you make your own decisions."
"Try telling them that. They don't like it too much." He smiled, looking at me. I giggled.
"Well this is my stop," I said as we approached my front yard.
"Its been fun. See ya, Hannah." He winked at me and started walking again. I walked my long driveway towards my house. Once I arrived at my front door, I realized I didn't have a key, so I walked to the back yard and laid out on the hammock.
I woke up to a car door shutting. I hadn't realized I fell asleep, but it felt nice. Naps have always been my forte. I reached in my backpack to find my phone. I heard the footsteps, but didn't register the fact that they seemed to be getting closer. I was startled by a low familiar voice.
"Hannah, we need to talk."
Who do you think wants to talk to Hannah?
Thank you all for your reads. Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT! I value your opinion.

RomanceHannah didn't know what soft more year had in store, but now she wonders if she will ever be the same.