I looked up to see a face that had brought me so many tears. So many sleepless nights. So much heartache.
"Connor," I breathed. I stared at him for what felt like hours. My urge to stand up and hug him tightly was too much for me to handle. I had to think of my feet being glued to the ground in order not to move towards him. Even after everything happened, I still gravitate towards him.
"What are you doing here?" I croaked out.
"I came to see you, Han. I miss you." He sounded so sincere, but sadly, I knew better.
"What do you want from me, Connor?" He smirked.
"What makes you think I want something?"
"You always want something," I scoffed.
"Han, I miss you. I want you back. I'm sorry for everything I said."
"I wish I could believe that."
"You can." His green eyes became glossy.
"No!" I walked towards him in long strides until I was standing only a foot away. "You don't get to do that. You don't get to come here and say you want me back. You left me heartbroken. You threw words at me that made wounds. I don't know if they will ever heal. Connor, you hurt me more than I could have ever imagined." I was out of breathe by the end of my speech. My voice ending in only a whisper.
"You said you love me," he looked at me.
"That doesn't mean I will just take whatever you throw at me. You hurt me. Am I supposed to stand by and take it? I stood up for myself. And what did I get? You dumped me. You left me. I thought you cared about me." My eyes were now overflowing with tears. I looked at the guy that I thought would be my forever, and saw no love in his eyes. I believed he was too shy to say it back, but I never considered the fact that maybe he didn't love me at all.
I had expected him to throw insults at me. To call me names again. I expected him to walk out on me. What I did not expect was for him to close the gap between us and crash his lips into mine. He kissed me with such haste that I found myself kissing him back. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. His familiar smell surrounded me and filled me with the comfort that I had needed for three months. The three torturous months in which I didn't hear a word from him. The three months of healing of wounds he caused. He hurt me beyond anything I could have imagined. His tongue darted out to lick my lips, asking for entrance. I denied it and stopped kissing him back. This was wrong. It was easy for me to go back to him, but the easiest things are not always what is right. What is right for me, is to walk away from him. He had no respect for me. And most importantly, he didn't love me. He never had, and he never will.
He eventually pulled away and stared into my eyes. My expression was void of any emotion.
"So that's it then?" He asked in a harsh tone.
"You ended this, not me." He let me go and paced.
"Fine." He sighed and walked away. I jumped at the sound of his car door slamming. He had left me again. I regret ever letting anyone into my heart. He single handedly tore me to peices. I let my walls down for him. I loved him, and he betrayed me. He betrayed my trust. It was then that I felt my tears. They flowed like a river down my face. I crouched to the ground and hugged my knees. It started to rain in the world around me. I felt the cold raindrops hit my warm cheeks, masking my tears. At the moment, I didn't care that the ground beneath me was turning to mud. I didn't care my backpack and phone were getting wet. My world was falling apart. I felt myself break with every step Connor took away from me.
I was crying so hard, I didn't hear the car door, or my father yelling my name. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the house.
I woke up in my bed, still in my semi wet clothes from the night before. My crying had tired me out so much, that I did not have energy to change into different clothing.
I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." My voice scratched my throat.
"Hey," my dad said softly has he entered my room. "I brought you some tea that will help your voice. And I made french toast if you want some."
I smiled at his attempt to cheer me up. "Thanks Dad."
"Do you want to tell me what happened? Sometimes it helps to talk about it."
I sighed. "Connor came by."
"I know, I saw his car leaving when I pulled up."
"He kissed me dad." My words caught in my throat.
"He left me, again. He didn't even say goodbye. He just left me." I burst into tears.
"Hannah." My dad embraced me as I sobbed into his shirt. I felt as though all my pain that was pent up from the last three months was coming out with each sob. My anger, my hurt, my sadness, all flowing out in my tears.
My dad held me until I stopped crying. He knew what great lengths it took for me to cry. He understood me.
"It breaks my heart to see you like this, Hannah." My dads eyes became glossy.
"Dont. Dad, I'll be okay. But thank you, I needed that." I wiped my eyes and nose as I spoke. "Don't you have work?"
"It's actually only 7:15. You can still make it to school if you want. You don't have to." He looked for emotion in my eyes.
"No, that's okay. I'm okay." I started to get out of bed.
"Okay," he kissed me on the forehead and walked toward the door. He turned once he stood in the doorway. "I'll drive you. You don't need to rush. I don't have to be in until 9." And with that, he was gone.
I showered and blow dried my hair. I decided to straighten my hair and put some curls on the ends. Eyeliner and mascara finished my look. I ran to my room and put on my cutest blouse with leggings. I caught a glimpse of myself in my vanity mirror on my way out. My pink flowery blouse with ruffles down the middle of the front complimented my tan. Whereas the leggings made my legs look thin and beautiful, instead of my normal couch potato thighs. Yeah, I look hot.
I ran downstairs to find my dad reading the newspaper. I prepared my French toast and ate a hefty sum of it.
"One thing I have learned from being your father is, don't underestimate how much food you can intake." He chuckled as he stood to clear our plates.
I laughed. He simply turned around and smiled at me, happy to hear me laugh.
"Shall we?" My father started toward the door. The drive to school was very quiet except for the jazz music playing in the background. My dads fascination with jazz music disgusts me, but I love him too much to say anything about it. As we pulled up to the school, I felt my heartbeat pick up.
"Be brave, Hannah." My dad placed his hand on top of mine. With that, I exited the car and walked toward the school entrance.
So we found out why Connor and Hannah broke up. Opinions on him?
Sorry, there was no Martin or Jack in this chapter.
Thank you for all the reads! Again, please VOTE and COMMENT.

عاطفيةHannah didn't know what soft more year had in store, but now she wonders if she will ever be the same.