"Hannah," Luke whined.
"I'm literally almost done. Shut up," I said as I grabbed the last package of forks from the shelf. "There, 75 forks should be enough."
"Yo, Hannah!" Jeremy yelled from the end of the aisle. "I got the toilet paper and silly string." I smiled in reply and made my way over to him in the checkout line. By the time I got there Shae had appeared and was whispering something intimately into Jeremy's ear.
"Gag me with a spoon," I whispered to Luke. He laughed and threw his arm around me. He put his mouth to my ear as closely as Shae was with Jeremy.
"I wouldn't use a spoon to gag you," he spoke in a hushed tone.
"I freaking hate you." I laughed and slapped him hard on the arm.
"Oh come on, you know I'm hilarious." His dimples shown through as he chuckled.
"Hilarious is a bit of an extreme. You're kinda funny at best," he scowled at me as I giggled. Jeremy put everything on the belt along with a package of gum for his lovely girlfriend. Once we were outside the store we went over the plan once more for the night to come.
"Meet at 9 at my house, but we won't depart until midnight," Jeremy reminded everyone.
"Oh I forgot, I'm going to the game tonight so I will just meet you there," I told Jeremy.
"What? We never go to the games. It's not out thing." Jeremy replied.
"Well I decided that I want to go. Also, I invited Aaron to come..." I spoke hesitantly, awaiting my brothers reaction.
"Aaron White? Wow sis. Okay that's fine. Just be careful with him, okay?"
I stared at him in shock. I never expected him to be okay with Aaron White. "Okay."
"Anyways," Jeremy went into the plans for the rest of the night. Mostly for Shae's benefit. I said goodbye to Luke quickly whereas my brother acted like he was going off to war while saying goodbye to his girlfriend.
"If they kiss one more time," I said through my teeth.
"Yeah, it's kinda gross," Luke and I stood back analyzing their behavior. They had been dating for about six months now. Isn't that supposed to when you exit the butterfly stage? I was praying to God it would be over soon. I couldn't handle how soft my brother had gotten. She really did a number on him, but on the other hand, he is happy. That, I'm okay with. Jeremy and I finally separated and started our journey home. He had decided not to use the crutches anymore. Instead he has a grey boot brace that extends up to his knee and makes his walking have an awkward appearance.
We arrived home promptly at 5. I only had 2 hours to get ready for the game. I ran to my room to grab the on jersey I owned of my school. Jeremy played one month on the soccer team and received a jersey. It inadvertently became mine when he stopped noticing it's disappearance. I put on the jersey and skinny jeans. I applied more makeup and straightened my hair. On my way out of my room, I saw my costume beads hanging from the doorknob and decided to put them on. I ran downstairs to the living room to say goodbye before I left for the game.
"You're not seriously going in that, are you?" Jeremy asked as soon as I walked in. He was laid out on the couch with a textbook in his hand and a laptop on his lap, even though it was a Friday night.
"Too much?" I questioned.
"Way too much. Just put on a t shirt or something. And definitely take off those beads and burn them in the back yard before you go."
"Jerk," I glared at him and stalked back to my room. I grabbed my plain gray v-neck and threw the beads in the trash. Before I walked out, I retrieved the beads from the trash and put them back on my doorknob. You never know..

عاطفيةHannah didn't know what soft more year had in store, but now she wonders if she will ever be the same.