Today was Friday. There was so much to do and so little time to do it. I had planned another excursion, this time to actually be executed. I had to grab all of the supplies after school, and set up a time and place.
"Hey, hottie," Luke threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked to English.
"One, don't call me hottie. Two, put on deodorant before you lift your arms in public." I lifted his arm and placed it at his side.
"Well," he sassily remarked and smirked at me. Luke was like my big brother at school. He was new to town freshman year and met Jack first. Soon enough, Luke joined our group and became part of the family. My parents loved Luke. Mostly because he is the ultimate southern gentlemen. His accent is thicker than most of us. He came from the heart of Louisiana, where "ya'll" is used in every sentence.
"Got everything planned out for tonight?" Luke asked giddily.
"Not quite, but it's getting there." I looked up and saw the set of brown curls that were owned by the very person I wanted to see. A smile overtook my face. "You go ahead. I'm gonna go invite Martin to come tonight. Save me a seat."
Luke gave me a suggestive smile before he winked and walked away. I slowly approached Martin. My palms grew sweaty. It had been 2 days since we'd talked. He hadn't responded to any of my texts.
"Hey," I said once I was in earshot. Martin looked up from the books he was putting in his backpack.
"Oh, hi," he replied and smiled a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. He continued to place things into his backpack.
"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come tonight." I tried to look into his eyes, but he didn't look at me.
"No thanks. I'm busy," he stated flatly.
"Oh. Okay." I couldnt hide the disappointment in my voice. I had hoped for something more to come after the kiss. I had hoped he would talk to me about it, about his feelings. Instead it feels as though he has tried to avoid me.
"Are you okay?" I timidly asked.
"I'm fine." Martin shut his locker loudly and looked up. His gaze went beyond my face to the hallway behind me.
"You haven't talked to me in two days."
"We don't need to talk everyday. I have a life."
"I know that. It's's just we haven't talked about what happened."
"Nothing happened." He looked down at his shoes.
"Do you- you regret it, don't you?" I felt a knot in my throat as I awaited his answer.
"Yes," he met my eyes. I could see the regret in in his eyes.
"Good to know." I slowly turned from him and walked down the hallway. After a few steps, I turned to look at him once more. His expression had changed into something of sadness. Maybe he truly believed he made a mistake kissing me. I swallowed the knot in my throat and joined Luke in the classroom. Luke placed his hand over mine as I sat down.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine!" I plastered the fakest smile that I could on my face. Luke squeezed my hand and let go.
"Clark," a velvet voice grabbed my attention. Aaron leaned against the locker next to mine.
"Hey Aaron," I replied as I grabbed my psychology textbook.
"Still coming to my game?"
"Uh, yeah. When is it?"
"Tonight at 8! Its on the posters everywhere, and it was in the announcements," he chuckled.
"Oh, right." I had never read the athletic posters around school. To be honest, I thought they cluttered the walls with unnecessary information. As for the announcements, I remember being too absorbed in my book this morning to listen to them.
"You're adorable." Aaron reached out and put my hair behind my ear. I laughed nervously. I debated whether or not to invite him tonight. What do I have to lose?
"If I come to the game, you have to come with me and my friends out tonight." I portrayed a false confidence.
"Oh really?" He smirked.
"I see you in your envirnoment, and you see me in mine. I think it's a fair trade." I closed my locker and leaned against in.
"Fine, what time?"
"Midnight. Meet me at the Welcome to Hamilton sign."
"Midnight? Are you sure that's not past your bedtime?" I playfully scowled at him as he laughed.
"See you there, Clark," he elbowed my ribs as he walked away. In all honesty, I'm surprised I didn't throw up then and there. Aaron, star football player, just agreed to hang out with me outside of school. The butterflies in my stomach were going wild. This could be the beginning of our story. I had completely forgotten about Martin in this moment. Martin doesn't want me, and Aaron does.
Yeah Yeah yeah I know it's a short chapter. I was requested to update. I had to write it quickly. I will bless you all with another update tomorrow to make up for this super short chapter!
Remember to VOTE and COMMENT!

RomanceHannah didn't know what soft more year had in store, but now she wonders if she will ever be the same.