I smelled cigarette smoke and alcohol in the breath of the person pressed up against my back. I turned around and saw the blonde curls that we're so close to me not even an hour earlier. Once I was fully facing Aaron a new song started.
"Dance with me," Aaron's hands clasped around my hips and brought me flush against him. He moved his hips against mine to the beat.
"Aaron, no. It's too warm in here." I tried to pull away from him, but his grip only tightened.
"C'mon babe," he whispered into my neck before kissing right above my collarbone. I looked behind to find that Jack had left the heat of the dance floor and was now talking with Luke by the kitchen.
"Can we go outside?" I suggested to Aaron. He smirked and made his way out of the crowd. I breathed in the outside air, savoring it's fresh scent. Aaron offered me his hand.
"Wanna go for a walk?" He inquired.
"Are you sure you can walk? You smell quite strong of whiskey." I giggled.
"Yeah. The fresh, cold air has sobered me up a bit. Now, walk?" He offered his hand to me again. This time, I took it.
"You got drunk fast." I commented as we walked along the fence line.
"Yup." He kicked a rock that was in our path.
"Is this why you left so fast? So you could come here?"
"Yeah. It's a football party. The quarterback kinda has to show up, ya know."
"I know. You could have told me. I'm more understanding than people give me credit for."
"The real question is, why are you here? The last time I saw you at a party, you were purging on my carpet." I laughed.
"First and last time I drank." I stopped laughing when I felt him squeeze my hand. He turned my frame to his and leaned in to kiss me. His lips tasted of smoke and whiskey. Not the most appealing taste, but it was still Aaron. His arms circled my waist and brought me to him.
"Ah! Johnny!" I jumped back from Aaron at the sound of someone screaming close by. I had forgotten how close we still were to the house. I looked over to see a girl being carried over one of the football players' shoulders, her mouth open with laughter.
"You okay?" Aaron chuckled.
"Yes. Just a little startled. Sorry."
"It's cool. C'mon, let's go back to the party. I'm sure Jack is wondering where you are." Aaron crouched on the ground so that his back was facing me.
"What are you doing?" I laughed.
"Just get on my back." I jumped onto his back and was carried the rest of the way to the house. The whole way Aaron drew small circles on my knees as he held me. This was where I had wanted to be for the longest time, and now it is my reality.
He dropped me once we reached the house. We were laughing at a guy desperately trying to hit on a girl, but was too drunk to succeed, when we entered the loud of music filled house. Aaron cupped the crook of my neck with his hand and kissed me harshly before saying goodbye. I smiled when he walked away and began looking for my best friend. I scanned the room and caught a pair of brown eyes staring at me. I stopped in my tracks and looked into the sad eyes that we're staring me down.
"Hannah!" Jack called for me from dance floor. Maria, Chase, and Luke close by. I looked over and smiled, holding up my finger telling him I would be there in a moment. I looked back over to where Martin was standing, but he was gone. Instead I saw my brother and his girlfriend entering the dance floor. Jeremy shot me a smile and got lost in the crowd. I walked toward the door, looking for the brown set of curls that haunted my dreams. Until this morning, the sight made me happy. I was drawn to Martin, but I don't know why.

RomanceHannah didn't know what soft more year had in store, but now she wonders if she will ever be the same.