Thanks Jack

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Authors Note: So thanks BIG time to ruff1258 for requesting this one!! Also I changed it up at but from her original idea hopefully it's still good tho.



"What's up Les?"

"Why is Katherine gonna have a baby?"

Jack raised his head up off the flat pillow he was resting his head on to look up at the little boy. Technically he wasn't so little anymore, he'd grown a lot in the two years Jack had known him but Les would always be that whitty 9 (almost 10) year old boy. Jack and Katherine had been married for about six months now and had recently found out Katherine was pregnant.

"'Cause she wanted ta have one Les." Jack said pulling his cap down over his eyes in a big brother kind of way. Most of the boys had already fallen asleep so the volume was beginning to diminish to whispers.

Les sat down in his bunk putting his chin on his hand as if in deep thought, he reminded Jack of a statue he once saw in Katherine's office.

"How is she gonna have it?" Les asked curiously. Jack shrugged and pulled his own cap over his eyes as if ready to go to sleep.

"I dunno Les, woman are remarkable creatures. Don't ask me how they can get a 7 pound baby out of their body's with out going crazy." He said yawning.

It looked like he was going to crash there tonight, it was much better then going home to an empty apartment while Katherine was in Maryland on a business trip. Plus he kind of missed sleeping in the same room as all his brothers.

"That's awful! How does it not pop open there stomachs?" Les asked a scared expression on his face.

"Like I said, I dunno." Jack said softly.

"How does the baby get in there?" Les asked Jack.

Jack cringed internally at the question, did Les really want to know the answer? Did Jack even want to explain?

"Er... well, um..." Jack mumbled and sat up feeing a little awkward. "Well first you gotta take some of the mom... and some of the dad. They you mix them together and wala!" Jack said trying his very best not to scar Les.

"Really? How did they get it into her tummy?" He asked suddenly very interested.

"Well... I put it there." Jack mumbled scratching the back of his head. Normally having a conversation like this wouldn't be too bad it it was with Race or Mush... someone with experience. But not with Les, it was just to hard to corrupt the young boy yet. "Ya know what Les, how about we's just go ta bed!" Jack suggested sitting up completely.

"But I'm still confused Jack." Les said.

Jack squeezed his eyes shut silently wishing Katherine was here, she would be all cool about it and use big words that Les wouldn't know.

"Er... how about we ask Katherine when she gets back in a few days!" Jack suggested swinging his legs over the edge so he was siting next to Les.

"But I want you to tell me Jack, not Katherine." Les said giving him the irresistible little kid eyes. Jack sighed in defeat, obviously he wasn't getting out of this one. With that thought he launched into an explanation that (hopefully) wouldn't scar him forever.

To Jacks surprise Les didn't seem that surprised about half the stuff, Jack guessed he really had grown up a lot over the years. By the end of it Jack felt pretty confident in his work considering Les hadn't run away screaming.

"So... there ya go, know ya know how the world works." Jack said said pushing his shoulder.

"Thanks Jack, Davey would of made that extremely awkward if I had asked him." Les said.

Jack chuckled knowing he was right, he slung an arm across Les and pulled him in for a hug ruffling his hair in the process.

"Now don't you be tryin' out what I just told you!" Jack warned only half joking.

"Ah I won't Jack! Don't worry about me." Les said pulling away.

Jack grinned at the 12 year old feeling an overwhelming pride for the boy, he really was growing up.

"Now go ta bed before Dave kills me for keepin ya up to late." Jack instructed and laid back down on his bed.

"Ok thanks again Jack... for being a good brother. And everything else." Les said quickly.

Jack smiled up at him "Your welcome Les."

And with that Les made his way to his own bunk. Les really had grown up a lot in the last two years, Jack was greatful that he had understood. Jack didn't have to worry about Les, he had himself covered.


Authors Note: As I was reading through this I was like "Wow this feels like a one shot I've written before!" Yea sorry about that. Hopefully it was still good. Also I skipped the actual "talk" part because I had no clue how to go about that an still keep both boys in character so... there you have it!

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