Only One Way Out (Part 1)

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Some would consider it an accident. Others would call it teenagers being teenagers. But for Joseph Pulitzer, he called it reckless nonsense and he wasn't about to let his daughter get any more tangled up then she already was.

Two years. Two years Jack would be in NYCJ for underage criminals. If he'd been 18 years old when it happened he would of been put away for a lot longer than that. Katherine had been deemed innocent due to her fathers connections and the sheer judgment that she looked like a good girl. And not the girl who had been making out with Jack Kelly when the car veered off the edge of the highway and into a barbed wire fence. Katherine had been badly injured with three cracked ribs and multiple cuts along her body from the fence. Jack had came out unscathed which only added to the suspicion of him benign the main problem. The odds were completely stacked against Jack and there was no way he was going to get out of this one.

And Pulitzer made sure of it.

"Daddy, it was an accident!" Katherine yelled at him from across the room, her side was tender and the cut on her forehead had started bleeding again but she didn't care. She had to convince him to drop the charges on Jack.

"An accident? You two were caught in a stollen car with alcohol all over the both of you! Do not try to convince me it was an accident!" Pulitzer said coldly back at her.

"But you can't-"

"Don't argue with me Katherine. That boy is going to be locked up for two years, maybe then he'll learn some real manners. In the meanwhile, your going to get your act together and get back to school. I will not have my daughter being pulled down this path by some boy from the slums. Do you hear me?"

Pulitzers anger was relentless and cold, and there was nothing Katherine could do now expect cry an wish she had Jack back with her. Except she was having conflicting emotions, she really should of been mad at Jack. In fact, she was mad at him. After all, he had been the one that gave her the drink that night, he had been the one driving the car drunk, and he was the one who had crashed the car and injured Katherine. This was the reason she now ignored the message he left for her every day for the next 3 weeks.

"Katherine... please, I need to speak to you. I... jus' need ta know your okay. Look... I'm sorry. Please call."

His messages had been about the same every day and it bewildered her that he used his 'one phone call' on her. She did want to talk to him, but the anger she felt towards him and her fathers lurking gaze kept her from answering her phone.

It wasn't 6 mouths until Katherine was fully healed and her anger finally gone did she decide to pick up her receiver. It was almost Christmas! And Katherine knew it was his Birthday.



He spoke her name like it was a gift from Heaven. The sound of his voice made her shiver and she yearned to see his inviting eyes once more.

"Hey." Katherine said her voice breaking. She couldn't even count how many times she'd listened to his messages, and now that she was actually talking to him it felt like a dream.

"Katherine." He said again. "Katherine, Ace, I-I can't believe you answered." He said breathlessly.

"Me either." Katherine admitted readjusting the receiver against her ear. "My-my fathers at a meeting right now... an-an I know it's your birthday today."

"What? It is?" Jack asked sounding surprised.

"Yea... December 18th." Katherine said smiling sadly wishing she could see his face. "Did you not know that?"

"No." Jack said shortly and Katherine didn't miss the bitter edge to his voice. "They don't allow calendars in here, nor the time of day."

Katherine bit her lip, how awful, she didn't know they were that strict.

"It's literal hell in here Ace, you have no idea." Jack said and she could almost imaging how he looked clenching his teeth at that very moment.

"Well... on the bright side you only have a year and a half to go now." Katherine said weakly.

"Yea, only." Jack replied bitterly. "That is... unless you break me outta here before then." Jack suggested his voice going suddenly quieter. Katherine's breath hitched at the thought.

"But Jack, your not serious." Katherine said hardly believing her ears. "That would be against the law and it to mention impossible."

Katherine could almost hear him smirk that sexy smirk.

"Nothin's impossible for Katherine Plumber." Jack said and his voice was so full of confidence Katherine actually believed him.

"But... how?"

"Listen, I've been here long enough ta figure out how his place works. Do you have a pencil and a piece of paper with you?" He asked anxiously and Katherine could tell his time was almost up.

Katherine quickly grabbed one and listened intently as he told her the in's and out's of NYCJ. By the sound of it, the plan was full proof. The only problem was, would it even work? Or better yet, how would Katherine sneak out from under her fathers watchful glower to get to the juvenile jail? And what about after?

"But Jack... your just going to go back. And when they catch you, they'll put you in real jail for good. And I could get in trouble too!" Katherine said feeling panicked.

"Relax Ace, ya gotta do this for me. You get me outta this hell and I swear... I swear I will give you heaven." He said softly and the way he said it made Katherine's stomach flip in anticipation.

"Okay." Katherine said her voice slightly shaky.

"I love you Katherine Plumber." Jack said firmly and he said it in such a way that Katherine knew it was true. It also added sugar on top when he used her preferred last name.

"I love you too Jack."

Katherine could hardly believe she was saying that, much less agreeing to break him out of jail. She should still of been mad, but she wasn't, she wanted him back. She needed him back.

And that's what she was gonna do.

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