* Chapter Seventeen *

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That night, we all slept over in Liam's room. When I woke up, my back was sore from sleeping on the shitty hotel couch. I looked for Zoie immediately, since I hadn't seen her that much last night. I was getting pretty worried until I saw her cuddled up next to Josh. Aww... they were just so adorable. I'm such a good matchmaker.

Oh, did I forget to mention? Tonight, the boys are going back to London. It seems like just yesterday I was meeting them on a sketchy street late at night. That sounded much less creepy in my head. Anyway, I could either go with them for the rest of the summer, or I could go home now and enjoy normal life. I didn't realize how difficult this decision would be until I actually had to make a choice.

I know, I know. For most people it would be an easy decision. Go to London! Have fun! It'll be the best summer of your life! Well, yes. It probably would be. But what happens after summer? I have to go back to school. I still have one more year until I graduate. Which means I would be back in the United States, living like a regular teenage girl would, while my boyfriend recorded albums and partied with models in another country. Wouldn't it just be best to break it off now? I know it sounds terrible, but honestly, how long could I expect this to go on. It's not like Niall would just give up everything and move to a suburban city in the United States. And everyone knows long-distance relationships rarely ever work.

But I love him. So much. And maybe that was enough to make it work.

I hate making decisions.

"Hey babe. You excited for London?" Niall asked, pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead.

Um, well, actually... "Listen, Nialler..."


"I don't know if I should go."

He looked hurt. "Why? It'll be fun!"

"I know. But I don't know how we'll be able to make things work... you know... when I have to go back home for school," I explained.

"We've talked about this before, Payton. I can't lose you. I'll do anything to make it work."

"That's really sweet. But you know what will happen. Going to parties with all those famous people and pretty models. You'll forget about me." I bit my lip. "I just... I don't know."

"Other girls could never make me forget about you. No matter how pretty they are, you'll always be prettier in my eyes. Please, just go with us. You wouldn't want to leave Zoie alone with us, would you?" he pleaded, holding on to me tighter.

I gave him a confused look. "Zoie's going with you guys?"


"Niall, if I make the wrong decision, I'll regret it forever."

He smiled. "Then come with us."

And something in my brain clicked just then. Something that told me to trust him. Something that told me to take the chance and deal with whatever happens.

So I did.

And if it was only a summer fling, so be it. I had fun while it lasted. And if it was more than that, even better.

We'll just have to find out...

Once In a Life Time * A One Direction Fanfiction *Where stories live. Discover now