* Chapter Fourteen *

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I feel like I'm always running from my problems, but I just couldn't deal with drama at the moment. I do feel bad that I left Louis at the park without saying another word to him... but I just didn't know what to say. I walked aimlessly around until I spotted a Starbucks and decided to get a coffee.

I approached the counter, smiling at the barista. "I'll have a grande iced caramel latte, please."

The barista accepted my credit card, swiping it once and handing it back to me. "Alright, it should be out in just a minute."

I waited by the counter until my latte was ready, then sat down in a big comfy chair. Words cannot describe how much I loved Starbucks. I could live here, surviving on hot tea and iced caramel lattes, and be perfectly happy.

Finally, with no one to distract me, I could think again. There's no way I can make Louis AND Niall happy. I'm just going to end up hurting them. Why am I even here? Maybe I should just leave... no, that would hurt even more. Well, fuck you, brain. This is all your fault. Why'd you have to go and start liking Louis? Why can't I just have a guy friend and be happy with that?

No, Nat. This happens all the time. It's not bad to like two people at once... but it is bad to toy with their emotions. I needed to take a step back until I make a decision. I could manage that, right? Just hang out with Paisley, Liam, Harry, or Zayn. No Niall or Louis.

I could handle that.

I decided to call Niall and warn him about what I was doing. I didn't want him to think he had done something wrong.

"Hey, Niall."

"Hey Payton! Are you feeling better?" He sounded concerned. Such a sweet guy.

"Yeah... listen, lately I've been a little confused," I admitted, sighing into the phone. "And I feel really bad about this, but I think I need some space."

"Am I too clingy?" he asked, his tone turning cold.

"No, trust me. I'm the one with the problems here. I'm not saying we should break up. In fact, that would kill me... I just need a few days to figure myself out." That sounded horrible. I'm acting like a selfish bitch.

"Oh. I see." He was quiet for a very long time, trying to figure out what else to say. "I gotta go."

I tried to say something else, but he hung up. Damn it.

As I finished my latte, a disturbing thought came to my mind.

You're just like Trey, Pay. Betraying people you love just to make yourself happier. You're no better than him.

I have to admit, that thought made me cry. Right in the middle of Starbucks.

Liam had found me later, walking down the street and looking like a hot mess. He brought me back to his room, sat me down on the couch, and gave me a blanket.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, sitting down next to me and handing me a piece of chocolate.

I shook my head. "Maybe later. I just can't right now..."

"Ok. Do you mind if I talk to Danielle, then?"

"Not at all, go ahead." I smiled at him. "Thanks for everything, Liam. You're too kind."

"Oh, it's no problem," he assured me.

There was a knock on the door. "IT'S HARRY! CAN I COME IN?"

Liam glanced at me, and I nodded in approval. "Sure, come on in!"

"Hello, friends," Harry greeted, throwing himself on the couch next to me. "Hey... what's wrong, Payton?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Stuff."

Once In a Life Time * A One Direction Fanfiction *Where stories live. Discover now