* Chapter Seven *

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When we pulled into my driveway, my mom was already there, looking very pissed. Shit, I forgot, I wasn't supposed to spend the night at the hotel...

"Hi, Mom," I said nervously, giving her a guilty smile.

"Do you have ANY IDEA how SCARED I was for you, Payton? YOU WOULDN'T ANSWER MY CALLS! You could've been dead, and I would have never known!" she yelled. "And then you have the nerve to come back with... with THEM? I don't even know you anymore! You will go up to your room now, and you will not be seeing these boys again. Ever. Do you understand me?"

"Yes." Now, normally, I would argue, but if she got any angrier, I think she would explode. I don't really know why she was so mad, though, because she already had an older child go through this. My brother was so much worse than me – sneaking out every night, drinking, doing drugs, meeting girls... you name it. Maybe because I've never actually done anything bad before. I turned to Niall, who was very confused as to why I didn't say anything. "It's alright, Niall. I can deal with it." Yeah right. I had a plan.

"Payton, do NOT make me say it again. Go to your room. NOW."

"Alright, I'm going." I left the boys in the driveway, running up the stairs and locking the door to my room. I knew my mom would never be up to negotiating me leaving when she was in this mood, so they would have to stop by later. Well, later, but soon...

I got a few worried texts a few minutes after the boys left. They looked a little bit like this.

From Liam – Are you ok, Payton? That was pretty harsh. xx

From Louis – Wow, what a total bitchface! No offense or anything. You aren't actually going to let her do that, are you? Niall is worried sick. He looks like Simba from the Lion King in that scene where Mufasa died.

From Niall – Payton! Please tell me you still want to go with us. I dunno how, but we'll figure it out... please? :(

I sent a reply to Niall, assuming that he'd tell the rest of the guys what I said.

I'm fine, Nialler. Stop by in a few hours when she calms down. Be sure to bring Harry and... uh... some chocolate covered peanuts. I have a plan ;) haha.

I started packing up all my clothes, neatly folding them and placing them into a duffel bag. Then I packed up all my personal items, toiletries, makeup, and my favorite stuffed animal pig. Don't ask, I just sleep better when I have it with me. And don't act like you've never had something like that before.

I was looking at myself in the mirror when I realized I was still wearing Niall's clothes. Oops. I took them off and folded them, putting them in the duffel bag as well. I'd give them back later. Maybe. I changed into a purple t-shirt, dark jeans – rolled up to the ankles, Tommo style – and my sparkly silver Toms. For jewelry, I just put on some pearl earrings and a headband to match. I also touched up my makeup, of course, applying more mascara and some sheer red lip gloss.

It would take a few hours for my mom to calm down. I already knew the stages of her anger – first, she yelled at everyone who crossed her path, second, she cries for absolutely no reason, and third, she takes a nap. When she wakes up, she's always in a better mood. So, since I had nothing to do, naturally I went to my computer, pulled up a One Direction playlist, and checked my Twitter.

While I was doing that, I started thinking about what would happen if I actually went on tour with the boys. First off, I would be leaving my family and my friends. And, the paparazzi will start following them sooner or later, and when that happens, they'll notice me. Then what? What will I be introduced as? Just a friend? ...Niall's girlfriend? Shit, I don't even know. Was I Niall's girlfriend? But, if I do go, I'll be able to travel, which I've never really been able to do. I mean, I've been to a few places around the east side of the country, but that's about it.

Once In a Life Time * A One Direction Fanfiction *Where stories live. Discover now