Date Plan (edit done)

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Everything changed in one kidnapping incident. The life of Kate shattered into pieces when she went missing for weeks.


Tuesday: 6:30 am
(Before the abduction)

Still lying on her bed, Kate opens her eyes and welcome the morning sunshine. It's her first day to wake up this early because she and her boyfriend Dave has a date.

After five minutes she heard that her phone was ringing. She quickly got up from her bed and get her phone on her bedside table to check who was calling. She had a huge feeling that it was her cute boyfriend. A blush came to her face when she got a call from her boyfriend Dave. She automatically answered her phone.

" Morning babe," Kate said in a sweet voice.

"Morning too babe! Do you know what day today?" Dave asked her girlfriend trying to make her remember their date plan.

Kate already knows what Dave is trying to tell her and she felt guilty for it. The truth is, she remembered it but forgot to prepare something on their date plan. It's their last bonding moment as girlfriend and boyfriend. Dave doesn't know that she was planning to leave him for her work in Hong Kong.

"I'm so sorry babe. I almost forgot. I promise to be the best I can to make you happy" she said softly to him.

"It's okay. I understand. No need to be sorry ok! " Dave replied gently.

" hmm...should I pick you up there or I'll just wait here in my apartment?
What do you think? " Dave said feeling happy to change their mood.

After listening to her boyfriend, Kate checks the time. She only needs thirty minutes to prepare.

"No, babe! It's okay. I can go by myself. Just give me thirty minutes and I'll be there!" She told him with excitement in her tone.

" Sure sounds good! I love you, babe?" Dave was the sweet guy ever.

" I Love you too!!! " Kate responds giggling and Dave hangs up.

After her conversation with his boyfriend, Kate suddenly felt a little weird.

" Why Dave sounds super happy? He's not like that at all!" Kate is talking to herself.

" Maybe he's just excited to see me, I guess" she added.

" It's a two-year contract and it's not long enough to miss each other's presence. Erase! Erase! Today is our special day and our last bonding so I need to focus on myself to look pretty in front of Dave!" Kate's last word after rushing to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After a shower, Kate directly opens her closet and pick a nice red casual dress as her outfit. She paired it with navy blue Lee jeans and a pair of white sneakers. She loves wearing simple dresses, especially when going outside.

She finishes dressing up and the only untouched was her hair and face. She rolled the number of her hair strands into a bun. She's comfortable like this than leaving it hanging on her back. Everyone praises her beautiful long straight hair.
Next, she sat in her makeup area and find a set of lipstick and eye shadows which make her look fresh but seductive.

" Gotcha!" She mumbled happily as she found a matte red lipstick.

She slowly paints her hearted shape lips with it and puts on grey eyeshadows. She added a bit of pink blush-on on to her cheeks. She was a rocker at heart so she put on heavy eyeliner and added a mascara extension. She bought them when she was having a window-shopping alone the last day.

She put a big smile on her face while checking her sexy and gorgeous image in the mirror.

" hmmm, I'm sure Dave is going to love this," Kate whispered to herself.

She's all set and ready to go.
She picks up her black purse from her drawer beside her bed and went downstairs.

" Baby the breakfast is ready!" Kate's
mom called her after seeing her daughter in a hurry.

" Mom I'll eat at Dave's place. I'm going now! I'm sorry mom " she kissed her mom and said goodbye.

Mrs. Miller tried to call her daughter but she ran like the wind, super-fast like a superhero.

" Honey, call me when you got there okay!" She shouted at her and Kate heard it.

" Sure mom. I will!" She answered back.

Kate checked her time and thirty minutes has passed.

" What should I do?" She asked herself.

It feels like no one wanted to take her as their passenger. Every time, a cab passes by, they ignored her as someone ordered them to leave her alone.

" Hey, anyone here who wants 100$ as my cab fee? Why all of you won't stop!" She was screaming on the road and everyone was staring at her.

She finally smiled when one taxi stop in front of her.

" Where to ma'am?" The driver asked her patiently.

Kate bent her head to see him.

" I'll tell you the direction okay," she said and the driver let him in.

Kate feels relieved to find a ride straight to her boyfriend's apartment. It's a good thing to find a cab but was it a good idea to went inside without checking what kind of cab she was in right now?


Dave Pov

What took her so long? Thirty minutes was over and she's one hour late. I prepared our breakfast by myself. I want to surprise her. I want her to know that if she stays, I'm going to cook for her every day and every menu she wanted to eat. I'll do anything to make her happy. She's my life, my light, and my future. To think Kate being away from me feels like I was drowning in the deep ocean waiting for sharks to swallow me.

I'm thinking things with her when I suddenly heard the sounds of an engine. I quickly walked towards my window to check if my lovely girlfriend came.

It's her but why she was with him? The guy I saw wherever I go.

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