The Fight (edit done)

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From the window, Dave's eyes are intensely looking at them. He can tell from the smile of his girlfriend that she like it, shaking hands with the stranger.

"How dare she had the guts to smile at him in front of my apartment!" He uttered while gritting his teeth to full anger.

He suddenly returns to his chair and turns on the television after seeing Kate leaving the guy and made her way inside. He heard her footsteps from the stairs and he waits for her to open the door and stand up to welcome her.

"Hi babe how are you? Sorry to make you wait," Kate said after kissing Dave on the lips but he avoided it.

He smirks at her so negatively.

"Really or your busy chatting to the driver which makes you come late!" Dave is now shouting at Kate.

"A new friend? Or a lover? He added.

Kate was shocked after hearing her boyfriend's accusations. She is not expecting him to react like that. She knew that Dave knows better than any guy who wants to hit with her before that's why she chose him to be her partner to love.

"What are you talking about? Do you know how much I miss you and now your acting crazy? Stop now okay, please, babe I want this day to be perfect. Tomorrow is my flight!" She failed to keep her secrets to him.

She muttered it already so no need for her to deny it. Dave heard it and he laughed so hard.

"What? Are you leaving? I told you I won't allow it!" His loud voice almost hit her eardrums.

She moves closer to his boyfriend and wrapped her hands around his back. She doesn't want to lose him. She loves Dave so much.

Her boyfriend faces her and she knew already that he's not mad anymore. He brushes her hair at the back as if he's comforting a child. They made eye contact and listening to each other's heartbeat then the heat start to run through their body when Dave pull her head closer and planted a long-rough kiss on her lips as if he's going to eat it whole. After the kiss, they both catching their breath and then they kissed again and Dave carry her into the bed and they spend the night together.

It was her first night with him and she gave everything to satisfy his boyfriend's luscious craving. He took her virginity and she offered it wholeheartedly to him.

Kate rested on Daves's arms while she opens up about her job proposal in Hong Kong.

"Babe, do you know that my contract is two years? " she asked him while she shifted her gaze at his face.

She saw the sadness in Daves's eyes. Kate knew that he was upset about her sudden decision to leave her hometown for almost twenty-two years of her living here. Everyone will miss her especially her boyfriend.

Dave turned to face her and he romantically caressed her face. His face stretch after he lengthens his lips for a big smile.

"Why should I hate you? Your future depends on it!" He told her and after hearing it, Kate felt happy about it.

She was glad that her boyfriend accepted her decision. Now, that Dave didn't interfere, she is confident to prepare her things and documents for her flight to Hong Kong.


Chloe Pov

"I was wondering if Kate slept at Dave's apartment. Hmmm, let me think, yes or no?" I chuckled.

My answer is yes! I had no idea if they did them or not? I have high hopes for my best friend that she will stay a virgin until the day she and Dave got married.

Her mom called me and ask if Kate was here and I lied. How can I let my best friend be caught by her mom? I love her like a sister and I won't let anything bad happens to her.

I was lying on my bed while munching popcorn. I was watching The Witcher on Netflix on my tablet. I felt bored and this is only my happy pill.

I was eating continuously with this sweet popcorn when I heard my phone beep again. Maybe Kate's mom again.

"Hello, Auntie Kate sleeps early so----" I haven't had the time to finish my words when I heard a guy's voice. He was laughing on the other line. His deep voice put my spine into shivers.
My hands trembled as I listened to his creepy voice.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I asked the caller but he quickly turned off his phone.

My body froze when after I received an anonymous call. I slowly sat on my bed thinking who he was and what is his motive to scare me like that? I need to calm down. I quickly walked near my window and check if anyone was there outside my house but nothing seems suspicious.

I put back the curtain to it's proper place and walked back to my bed. I never felt scared in my entire life not tonight with that damn prank call.

I took a deep breath to contain myself from being nervous. I tried to call Kate and Dave but no one answered. I was all alone in our house because mom and dad had their respective unfinished appointment tonight.

My heart raise when I heard a creaking sounds from downstairs. I quietly took my baseball bat from my closet and took it with me to check if anyone trespass in our property.

" Are you alone? I come to see you tonight!" His rasp voice keeps tickling in my head.

Who is a lunatic to scare me in the middle of the night?

"Hello, anybody here? Mom, dad, are you home?" I shouted.

Until I heard someone whispering behindy neck.

"I got you!" I screamed when he forcibly pushed me on the ground with my head facing on the floor.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I scream and tried to win against him but he was very strong.

He yanked my neck and hity head on the floor. I saw a blood coming from my head until my visions became blurry and I finally black out. I felt before I turned unconscious, he took advantage of me. He did it while I'm useless and weak. Tears flows from my eyes down to my face.

If Kate came back here to sleep with me, maybe nobody will dare to rape me. I gritted my teeth and swear to myself that I can't be weak again anymore.

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