The Kidnapping(edit done)

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Kate POV

Everything is perfect now. I have an understanding and caring boyfriend. I have a nice job ahead of me in the country of Hong Kong. I have a loving mother and a supportive friend. I think I have nothing to ask for right now but for me to have a safe trip. I thought all of this is perfect until...

Abduction time

Dave's Apartment

I heard someone's voice inside his room. My eyes seem locked up together like glue has been put between my eyebrows. It still feels heavy and weary. We drank too much wine last night that's why my head throb's too. I rub my eyes with my fist until it slowly peeled open on its own. Now, I saw a clearer and better view but when I shifted my eyes beside me, I saw nothing but an empty bed and messy blankets beside me. No sign of Dave.

I had goosebumps all over my body. I wrapped my arms around me. It feels scary to find yourself alone. I walked near the window to glide the curtains that are covering it and I spotted someone watching me from the other building. I had no idea if I'm just frightened where I think of creepy thoughts in my head. I saw a man having a coffee there but I can't get a clear view of his face since it's from the other building. I am farsighted.

I took a deep breath. Maybe my boyfriend had a rush work to finished in his office so he had no time to wake me before he goes. He's a reporter.

I put on my robe around my body then I go to the kitchen to check on him but he's not there.
What happened? Where is he? I hate him for leaving me here. I started to go to the bathroom too but there is no trace of him. I'm getting frustrated at the moment since we were together, he didn't leave me alone. This is not the first time I slept with him and only Chloe knows it.

I started to dial his number and he answers me.

" Good morning, sleepyhead! " he answered.

Instead of being okay, I burst out in anger.

"Where are you? Why did you leave me here without leaving a note or something!" I told him with my stern voice.

" I'm on my way home now. I went to the grocery store to buy food for our breakfast, okay" he said and I feel relieved at last.

"Okay, I'm just worried. See you in a minute. I'll wait for you. I love you, babe!" I said to him feeling better.

The fear in my heart faded away. I took a deep breath and smiled.

" I love you too babe!" He replied and then he hangs up.

I make a quick shower but inside the bathroom, I can hear footsteps coming from our room. I thought it's Dave but he's not. The source of sound is like a man wearing black shoes. Even there's a sound of droplets of water from the shower, I can still hear the sudden cacophony he made.

I began to panic. What is this feeling? Am I gonna get killed, rape, rob, or kidnapped? I'm too scared but I hope it's Dave. After the shower, I carefully twist the doorknob and I peek with my head half exposed from the toilet room for my safety and wandered my eyes around his bedroom but I saw nothing.

"Maybe I watch too many horror movies on Netflix" I mumbled as I stepped my feet outside.

I bought my dress with me inside my bag so I took it out. I pick a nice dress before I came here. It's an above the knee flowery dress. After that, I combed my hair and apply a little make-up. Im all good now.

"Babe? Are you there?" I called him many times but no response.

I went to his study table and turn on his laptop until I felt someone behind me. I wanted to scream but I failed when he covered my nose with a white cloth that smells like drugs and I instantly fell on the floor. Everything went blurry until the whole area went black. I'm almost on the brink of vague but before I passed out I remember the smell of a guy. His perfume smelled familiar. Just like yesterday at the cab.


Three days before the abduction

James POV

I never thought that New York City marvelous place on Earth. Everything is here, the casino, the party nights, and shopping galore.

To have a hundred dollars in my pocket is a blessing. I never dream of having this huge amount of money in my entire life. Lorenz is such an extravagant person, he never fails me.

I smirk while reviewing the girl in my sight. She's gorgeous like a Goddess. Maybe I should follow her.

She looks so happy with his boyfriend. How I wish I can have a girl like her. He's very lucky to have her and I envy him. I chewed the bubblegum in my mouth while stealing a shot from the lovely lady he was with.


"Dave, I'm so happy to have you in my life so I hope you don't mind if I tell you something" Kate broke the silence between us.

Dave invited her to meet at the park for them to talk a little longer. Kate's mom doesn't approve of their relationship at all because Dave was just a reporter. Her mom dreamt her daughter lived in a fancy house with a CEO husband who owns very prominent contain in the whole world and Dave was the opposite of it. Dave is an orphan and was leaving on his own.

Dave let her talk.

"What is it?" He said.

Kate can't stop fidgeting her fingers. Dave knew she was nervous. She's always doing it since he knew his girlfriend very well.

She took a deep breath.

" My flight will be in two days from now and----and----"she almost got a heart attack when he stood up and yelled at her.

"I said No! It's final!" He shouted.

All of the people heard and look at them. Kate feels embarrassed and told Dave to calm down.

" Okay, I won't but will you please relax," she told him with her shuddering voice.

Dave reaches and holds her hands. He pressed it tightly. His eyes are apologetic.

"I'm so sorry, babe. Did I startle you?" He seems sorry.

She holds his hands too and shook her head to tell him that she's fine but obviously, her heart is breaking.

"Poor girl, her boyfriend just using her," I said with a wide smile on my face after snatching another photo of them.

I put my canon camera inside my backpack and leave the place. I have a fun and exciting vacation soon.

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