1 | How They Met

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Blood dripped from her long (h/c) hair; it ran down her tatty dress and pooled at her feet

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Blood dripped from her long (h/c) hair; it ran down her tatty dress and pooled at her feet. She had just finished killing three men, rather brutally if I might add. They were missing a limb or two, which in her eyes they deserved it.

That would teach them not to attack her as she was strolling home from the market. It's not like they'll be trying anything like that again...

Well, only in hell.

The blood and gore didn't affect (y/n), not in the slightest. In fact, she rather liked it, as seen by the way she had an evil smirk on her face as she slashed them again and again with her small dagger.

The dagger in question was the fanciest item she possessed: with an intricately decorated hilt, that had jewels studded here and there and the blade was a sleek black, that was hot to the touch under the blazing sun.

As she stood there breathing heavily she heard a snicker from above her, surprising her a little.

Looking up, she saw a masculine silhouette stooped down on the roof of the home closest to where she was standing. It was hard to make out any features that would determine who he was, thanks to the sunlight shining into her eyes.

Shielding her eyes, she glanced at him again and she could just about make out piercing crimson eyes and long, braided, black hair swaying in the slight breeze that there was.

Smoothing her (h/c) hair, that was now stained blood red, she peeked at the man and called, "who's there?"

The blade gleamed in her hand as she pointed it skyward.

"Now, now, who would answer that when someone is pointing a dagger at them," came the response, with a hint of amusement. Then the person leaped down from the roof and landed in front of her.

(Y/n) was taken aback, not just because someone had just jumped from a roof and didn't get any injuries, but also because the man in front of her was scarily attractive.

He had eyes that were as red as the blood at their feet, and black hair that flowed behind him in a long braid. On his torso, he wore nothing but a short, black choli which displayed a sturdy chest and a well-toned stomach. On the bottom, he wore trousers that puffed out somewhat and around his neck was a choker, that had a flaming gemstone in the centre.

"I wonder what took place here? It looks like someone had a little fun."

Glancing around at the bodies on the floor, drenched in their own blood, he chuckled, which made (y/n) blush and hide behind her (h/c) hair.

Twirling the blade in her hands and smiling, she peeked up at him through her hair. "It was their own fault." There wasn't a hint of repentance on her face, which entertained Judar. "Who would try to attack an innocent girl like me?"

"Oh sure, you certainly seem innocent," he said, sarcastically.

He then surveyed the girl before him, and he couldn't maintain the widening smirk that was forming on his handsome face.

She was beautiful, with her (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair and she had a particular air about her that was appealing. He wasn't one who cared about things unless it comprised of fighting or proving how great at magic he was. But he needed to learn more about the girl in front of him. She was like a mystery that the fallen magi couldn't wait to solve.

"Anyhow, what do you want and who the hell are you?!" she yelled, pointing the dagger at him once again.

Judar moved the dagger away with nothing but his finger, and leaned closer to her, with a grin.

(Y/n) could feel his hot breath on her face, which made her blush further. This didn't go unseen by the fallen magi who found it cute, and he wondered why he even thought that. Judar found nothing cute, as was pointed out before, he didn't care about many things.

"I don't want anything, really. I just noticed there was a good deal of black rukh around here and pursued it to this place. The question is, what are you?"

(Y/n) recoiled slightly and refused to acknowledge him.

Smirking, Judar plucked a peach out of who knows where and used the bodies as if they were stepping stones, as he started walking out of the alleyway.

Spinning around, he added, "and about my name, you can find out next time we meet."

With that he strolled out of the alleyway, leaving (y/n) confused and alone in the encroaching darkness - that seemed to slither along the walls and threaten to swallow her whole.

Sliding down the wall, she buried her face in her arms and couldn't get the image of his piercing red eyes out of her mind.

And that was how she met the magi, Judar.

And that was how she met the magi, Judar

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