2 | Onwards To Kou

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Rain fell onto the roof of the makeshift tent

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Rain fell onto the roof of the makeshift tent. It was meant to be a soothing sound, but (y/n) found it rather irritating, and falling asleep was something that just could not be done. It didn't help that she was freezing cold, as the tent did little to stop the cold from seeping into it.

Shivering, she curled herself up into a ball and tried to ignore the pangs of hunger that resonated in the empty pits of her stomach. Today was just not her day.

This morning she was almost caught taking bread from a stall, and when she was running away she bumped into rather a lot of people. Someone even beat her for giving them filthy looks; it took all of her willpower not to take out her dagger.

People shouldn't stand in my way, she thought indignantly.

Giving up on the sleep that never will be, she went for a nighttime stroll.

Perhaps it'll help wear me out. As she was thinking this, she slid on her ratty sandals.

(y/n) lived in the Balbadd slums, which wasn't the best place to live. An aroma of vomit, urine and other unmentionable things filled her nostrils and almost made her gag.

Tents lined the roadway that ran along the Balbadd River and debris was scattered everywhere you looked - the only evidence that this part of the country was formerly a place people lived.

After a while of wandering about, (y/n) found herself at the one place that gave her a space to reflect on things and relax her mind. It was a little hill that was the only surviving place in this dump, and it looked out on the rest of the city.

Resting against the enormous tree near the edge of the hillside, she sighed and closed her eyes. She felt her mind drift off; for the first time in a while she could unwind and fall asleep.

As she was about to drift off, she heard a rustling sound from behind, and that was enough to snap her out of her inner thoughts.

Pulling out her dagger, she stood up and traipsed round in a circle. Cautiously she called out into the darkness, "who's there?"

Now, there was the sound of laughter, and it set her nerves on edge; this was something unusual for her, as it took a lot to startle her.

From the corner of her eye, she could make out something that looked like black rukh moving upwards towards the very tree that she previously occupied.

As far back as she could remember (y/n) had always been excellent at climbing trees. She would repeatedly climb them with the other children who lived in the slums.

When she made it to the top of the tree, she came face to face with none other than Judar.

This was the second time he had startled her. The first being when he had jumped from the roof of a house, a few days earlier, and now was the second. Because of him startling her, (y/n) slipped out of the tree and landed on the ground.

Laughing excitedly, Judar hopped down and landed next to her in a crouch. He didn't help her up, though; he just knelt down, looking into her face, and a grin playing on his lips.

Blushing, (y/n) shoved him aside and knocked him on the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He stood up and rubbed his head, grimacing.

"That's for not helping me." She huffed and turned away from him. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I was going on a stroll through town and something fascinating attracted my eye." He winked at her and snickered.

"Creep." Rolling her eyes, she went to sit back under the tree she had just fallen off.

"Anyway, I'm here on official business," Judar said and crossed his arms over his firm chest, which she tried not to ogle at.

"And what is this 'official business'?"

Judar grinned, seized her arm and hauled her towards him. Then he wrapped one of his arms around her waist. He whispered in her ear, "I've come to escort you to Kou."

"What?!" (y/n) exclaimed struggling to pull away from him but it was to no avail, he was much stronger than her.

He called for his magic carpet, jumped onto it, and then he pulled (y/n) up with him.

Sitting her on his lap and enclosing his arms around her he repeated, "I've come to take you with me." Without waiting for her response, he began flying towards the Kou empire.

" Without waiting for her response, he began flying towards the Kou empire

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