3 | Kou Empire

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"Oi, hurry and get off the carpet!" Judar poked her cheeks

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"Oi, hurry and get off the carpet!" Judar poked her cheeks. "My legs are going numb."

Sleepily, she raised a finger and laid it onto his slightly pouting lips. "Shh, not so loud." (y/n) wrapped her arms around what she thought was a hard, but comforting pillow, when in reality it was Judar's chest. For the first time in Judar's life, he blushed a little and got a little flustered. This confused Judar as this was something that never happened.

"People are trying to sleep, you know." A minute later something clicked in (y/n)'s dazed mind and she realised what she was clinging to, and what she had her cheek pressed against. Squinting up at Judar with her (e/c) eyes, she gulped and bolted away from him, causing her to fall off the flying carpet, and land on her behind on the concrete floor.

Snorting loudly, Judar jumped down next to the fallen girl, who was rubbing her butt and wincing a little. Judar bent down, and instead of helping her up, he once again poked her cheeks. "Come on, stand up (y/n)! We're at the Kou empire now, and we have places to visit and people to see."

Behind them, they heard a squeal and saw a girl with pink hair. Long sleeves were covering her mouth, and she rushed towards the two people down below her.

"Judar, who is this adorable girl?" Before he could answer, Kougyoku had already taken (y/n)'s arm and was hauling her towards the heavy wooden doors. "Come on, let's go play dress up."

Glancing back to where Judar was still standing, (y/n) shook the still squealing girl off her arm. "Get off me!" She gripped her arm to her chest and scowled at the pinkette. "What are you doing?"

She wasn't a fan of boisterous and bright girls, especially ones who she had just encountered a few moments ago.

(y/n) heard someone laugh behind her and then felt an arm drape around her shoulders.

"You're a fierce one, aren't you, (y/n)?" Still smirking at her, he told Kougyoku, "this here is (y/n), and from now onwards she is my student. I will train her in magic."

​(y/n) flung his arm off her and shot a glare at him. "What did you just say?!"

"You're my student..." He raised one of his shoulders in a somewhat half-shrug. "I will train you in magic. You're a witch, or am I wrong?" Judar leaned closer to her face and smiled a closed-eyed smile. A slow blush crept onto (y/n)'s cheeks; she wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment or displeasure.

"I'm n-n-not," she stammered, and without thinking, she ran off.

Kougyoku was long forgotten at this point and was standing to the side confused. An amused Judar stood beside her.

(y/n) ran and ran until it hurt to breathe, and every time she tried to suck some air into her lungs. Her heart was pounding, and her palms were sweaty. (y/n) fell down to the ground, as images came swimming to the forefront of her mind, ones that she had thought were well hidden, and stuffed into heavily chained boxes.

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