8 | Sinbad

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"Judar what are you doing?!" Kougyoku had just wandered into his room and saw Judar trying to escape out of the window - which he was finding difficult, because of all the injuries he had received

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"Judar what are you doing?!" Kougyoku had just wandered into his room and saw Judar trying to escape out of the window - which he was finding difficult, because of all the injuries he had received. Right now, he had one foot up on the ledge, and he was staring over his shoulder at the girl who had so rudely interrupted him.

"I'm going to rescue (y/n)," he replied. "Who knows what that perverted king is doing to her..."

"I know how you feel Judar, we all want to help (y/n)." Tears sprang to her eyes as she thought of her friend being held captive in Sindria. "But right now there is nothing we can do, and that especially applies to you, Judar. It's impossible for you to do anything with those injuries of yours. We're all trying to think of ways to rescue her."

She helped him down from the ledge and gently manoeuvred him back to the bed. "Anyway, do you like (y/n), that much?"

"O-of course not. She's just my student, and it's my duty as her master to make sure she stays by my side."

Love wasn't something that the fallen magi wholly understood. He had thought that he had lost that emotion long ago, along with a few others, all because of Al Thamen.

Although it's true that he did feel something towards the short, (h/c) haired girl, he didn't know what it could be exactly. (y/n) was supposed to be his student, and he had told that to the pink-haired princess to reassure himself more than anyone else. He couldn't love, and he wasn't supposed to. However, it kept niggling at the back of his mind and just wouldn't let him rest. He had to see her, to feel her, and he just wanted to be by her side once more.

'I wonder what those Sindrian bastards are doing to her right now?'

It's so cold!!

Sure, this place was the most comfortable of all the places that (y/n) had ever stayed in, but they could at least make it warmer. A furnace would do nicely in here, or something of that sort. Shiver, after shiver, ran through her body and she sat on the bed trying to warm her body in some way. What she needed most of all right now, was to feel Judar's warmth.

"Miss (y/n), Sinbad wishes to see you." Ja'far opened the room's door and hurled a dress at her. "Also change into this. You can't be seen with the king, wearing that ratty thing you have on."

Honestly (y/n) was happy to have a change of clothes; her current dress was smelly, dirty, and sweaty. She pulled it over her head and then put on the new dress.

It was a deep red and accentuated her curves perfectly, and it fit in all of the desirable places. Also, it showed a little too much cleavage. It was evident that this dress had been picked out personally by the king.

Arriving at his office, she knocked on the door, and entered the room when she heard a 'come in.'

The first thing she perceived was that the curtains around the room had been drawn, and the darkened room gave off a sensual atmosphere. (y/n) was tempted to turn tail and flee from the room, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get far - what with Masrur standing guard outside. And she didn't really want to mess with him. He was intimidating that's for sure.

She gulped and asked, "why did you want to see me?"

"Just because..." He smiled, and to any other woman than (y/n), it would be seen as charming. She just found it slimy and unpleasant. "Come closer, (y/n)"

(y/n) glared at him, contemplating what he could possibly be planning on doing, then after a moment, she decided it was probably safe and reluctantly crept closer to him.

When she was standing beside his chair, he swivelled around and tugged her arm so she was sitting on his lap.

"What are you doing?" She tried getting off his lap, but of course, it was to no avail. It had drained her magic being in that dingy cell and now she was weak, resulting in Sinbad being exceptionally stronger than her.

Sinbad placed a supportive arm behind her back, and once again took a strand of her hair in his other hand. He had her trapped, and he made sure there was no means for her escape.

(y/n) was exactly where he wanted her.

"(y/n)," the way he said her name was like he was savouring it on his tongue like it was some tasty treat. "You're gorgeous, did you know that? I've got to say I'm quite envious of Judar for possessing a beauty such as yourself." With those words, he drew his face closer to her neck and brushed his lips against her exposed skin.

"Don't you dare talk about Judar!"

This was all his fault that Judar was injured; it was all of their faults.

(y/n) thought of all the methods she could use to kill Aladdin and that other brat Alibaba, each death as painful as the last. She wouldn't be satisfied until she saw blood - draining every drop of the red liquid. Only then would she be happy.

As the anger built up inside her, she felt sparks at her fingertips. They stung and felt the same anger she did. They wanted to cause pain. Endless pain. They wanted to bring everyone to their knees or shock them to death - whichever one suited their mood.

Sinbad was still kissing her neck, making the skin beneath his lips crawl. He was oblivious to what was happening with (y/n). Steadily, she lifted her hand and bought it to the male's back. Just a slight shock would be enough, just to get him off her.

She shot out bright, (f/c) lightning bolts out of her hands, transmitting them through Sinbad's back. And just like that, he was knocked out cold.

This was her chance!

(y/n) had to escape before Ja'far came to check on his king, or the red-haired gladiator outside noticed something was amiss.

She ran to the window, and like she'd seen Judar do millions of times before, she got up on the ledge and jumped down onto the pavement below.

She had done it!

She had escaped!

She was free!

All she had to do now was find somewhere to hide and send a message to Judar, so he knew she was safe. And if no one came to rescue her still, she would have to find her own way back home.

She was going back to Kou, and she would lay eyes on her dearest Judar once more.

She was going back to Kou, and she would lay eyes on her dearest Judar once more

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