10 | Enemies

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She felt uncomfortable

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She felt uncomfortable.

Beneath her was the hard, cold floor, and it did nothing to ease her into sleep if anything it made it harder.

Sleep wasn't something she would easily accomplish. Giving up, she got to her feet and clutched her empty, growling stomach. It had been a while since she last ate. Was it a week or even a month?

Honestly, thinking about it gave her more of a headache. Actually, for (y/n) there wasn't a place on her body that didn't ache; every time she moved it felt as though her bones would break and her skin was clammy and dirty. She wasn't desperate enough to jump in the river for a quick bath yet.

She hobbled towards the nearest Sindrian town. The place was crowded, and she knew that if the palace guards were still out searching for the escapee, they would have a hard time finding her. It would be like hiding a tree in a forest.

Eventually, she made it into town and was looking for a stall that would be easiest to steal from. She hated having to do this. Unfortunately, it was something she was very much accustomed to. What with all those days of poverty she had behind her. But this was something she just had to do to survive. Anything goes when it comes to survival, in (y/n)'s eyes anyway.

However, before she could even take one step forward something, or rather someone, slammed into her, and she felt said person grope her breasts while clinging to her.

"What the hell!" (y/n) exclaimed throwing the person of her, not caring about just how roughly she had done it.

One hand covered her chest, and the other held her dagger, pointed at the chibi blue-haired boy still laying on the ground.

It was blue hair that (y/n) would've recognised anywhere.

She could feel herself physically shaking and the voice she heard next made her shake even more. It took everything within her to stop herself from lunging at the blond and blue-haired males.

"I'm sorry about my friend. He's a little perv," laughed the blond, smiling a close-eyed smile and scratching the back of his head.

Oh, how (y/n) wanted to cut that smile off his face. Or better yet, cut off that irritating head of his shoulders.

(y/n) looked down at the ground, her hair covering her face. The dagger still pointed towards the oblivious males.

Alibaba studied the girl before him curiously. Had he laid eyes on her somewhere before? He would've remembered seeing a girl like her before.

And then the realisation hit him.

He pointed a finger at the (h/c) female and said, "you're the girl who was with Judar! How is he?" He laughed again and helped Aladdin to his feet.

His laughter stopped when he felt something whoosh past his face, narrowly avoiding it. With widened eyes, he looked behind him and saw an intricately designed dagger sticking out of the tree that was directly behind him.

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