5 | Closer

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Over the next few weeks, she felt herself getting closer to the fallen magi, and she could bring out her true personality when she was with him

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Over the next few weeks, she felt herself getting closer to the fallen magi, and she could bring out her true personality when she was with him.

Judar had also taken a liking to her, and (y/n) was the only person he showed some affection towards; always putting his arm around her shoulders, or pecking her on her head now and then.

This shocked the other people at the palace, seeing as Judar seemed to not like anyone, but now there was her. The girl who had caught the dark magi's attention, and they were wondering how she had done it.

(y/n) didn't mind Judar doing these things, because she had also grown some feelings for the magi. And she always stuck to his side. He was the sole person who she felt comfortable with, and after that incident with Kouha, she was a little scared to go anywhere without the crimson-eyed male.

That morning, dazzling light shone onto her bed. She laid with her head under the pillow to block out some of the sun's rays.

She had been out late last night with Judar, and now she regretted it as her head thumped an everlasting beat. It grew worse, when Judar slammed her door open and went into her room.

He jumped on her bed, and he chuckled when he heard a groan coming from under the pillow. Lifting it off of her, Judar bent down and breathed into her ear, "oh (y/n), it's time to get up now."

(Y/n) ignored the blush that could be seen on her face and got up on her hands and knees, causing him to fall off the bed.

"Will you be quiet, some of us need their beauty sleep, you know?!"

"But (y/n), you're already beautiful enough." Judar winked at her and tugged her off the bed, wrapping an arm around her waist. "You don't need this so-called beauty sleep. What you do need to do though, is get dressed, and meet me outside in five minutes."

Without waiting for her to say anything, he let her go, and once again he jumped out off the window, landing on the pathway below.

"Damn that Magi," she muttered under her breath, walking over to her wardrobe, and finding something to wear for that day. "He just comes in here and makes my heart pound, then he leaves again, pretending like he did nothing. Who does he think he is?"

(y/n) put on her clothes and jumped out the same window that Judar had just left a moment ago, landing not so gracefully on the floor.

"Judar, I thought we would be doing magic lessons today?"

Truthfully, the thought of practising magic still made her queasy, and a part of her was preparing to flee at any moment. Any of these people could turn on her, and attack her, or worse kill her; it had almost happened before, and she didn't want it to happen again.

Although from what she had seen so far, Judar didn't care about her being a witch, in fact, he seemed excited by it. Also, he got a thrill out of seeing her perform. It made her a little relieved knowing she had the fallen magi by her side, and she knew deep down that he would protect her.

"(y/n), we're going on a field trip!" He grinned and snaked an arm around her waist. "Consider it as a great learning experience for you, as you watch me at work."

He summoned his carpet and helped her on to it. She sat down with her knees bent and rested her arms on them, while Judar sat with his legs on either side of her. He made it so her back was resting on his chest, as he rested his chin on her head.

She relaxed against him, revelling in his warmth, and then they were off to Sindria.

She relaxed against him, revelling in his warmth, and then they were off to Sindria

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