5 stages of grief

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Blood fell to the ground. With every drop, my heartbeat increased. I couldn't believe what I just saw. My best friend just died. My best friend just died. The thought kept repeating in my head, but it didn't make sense.
It can't make sense. It's the test.
This isn't real, it's the test trying to get into my head. I won't let it do that to me.

David is alive, I whispered to myself getting off the floor. The room was pitch-black, so I tried to navigate my way out. In front of me, I saw a door. Something about it didn't seem right. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something; a silhouette of a man. There was an object in his hand. I couldn't tell what it was. "Who are you?" I asked, with a lump still in my throat. The man moved closer, "He's dead. Your friend is dead." I tried to depict who he was, but I couldn't. Once again I asked him, "who are you?"

Again he moved closer, now I could see what he was holding. A gun, he was holding a gun. The word slipped out of my mouth. He took the gun and pointed it at my head. Now I stood there, afraid of what happens next. "I killed him," the man said. "No, you shot him. He's not dead. He can't be." I replied not willing to accept the facts. The man laughed pressing the gun to my forehead. "Oh, don't worry. Soon you'll be joining him." My eyes once again started to water. I looked around the room, trying not to move my head. There's nothing that can help me. I'm might as well already be dead. "P-please, don't sh-shoot me." I stammered. He looked at me, still holding the gun to my head. "Hm, how about...no" Something sharp like a needle hit me. I looked down to see a dart in my chest. "What did you...do" I ask, starting to feel drowsy. Before he could answer, I fell onto the ground. My eyes felt heavy, and I could feel myself starting to faint.

I remember being in the car one day with Sarah and mom. It was 2 months before Sarah died.
"All I'm saying is that you should really spend some time with your family," Mom suggests. Sarah looks at mom with her brown hair in a ponytail. "You don't have to worry mom. The next test is in 2 months. I'm ready for it. So I promise you will see me after." Sarah replies. While mom drives, Sarah finds a kid on the side of the road. "Mom, stop the car." Sarah tells mom. Mom goes on the side of the road and parks the car. "Sarah, what is this about?" She asks. "Isn't that the Pierce's kid?" Sarah points out. I look out the window and see a kid, he had short hair. In his hand was what looked like a picture. I wasn't sure if it was. My mom and Sarah got out of the car to check out the kid. I stayed in the car, waiting impatiently. All I could see was the kid crying. My mom tried to comfort him. I was starting to feel bad for him. It seemed like only a minute passed and they all started to walk to the car. My mom opened the door for the kid, right next to me. He sat down, wiping the tears from his face. My mom entered the car, and started it. "Michael, this is David. He'll be staying with us for a while." She said, smiling in the mirror. I looked over at David and said, "Don't worry, we can be best friends." He glanced back.



I woke up in a dark room, zip tied to a chair. A light swung sideways in front of me. There was blood on the floor. Looking around the room, there were no nearby exits. "Hello?" I yelled, realizing that I'm in a horror movie. A shadowy figure dashes across the wall. It seems to be a silhouette of a man. The man who killed David. "Who are you?" I ask, with an angry tone. The man doesn't answer. So I ask again, "Who are you?" No answer. I start to cough, not knowing what the man put in me. More and more I coughed, each time getting worse. After a good few minutes, I stop.

"So, you're a friend of David's? If that was his name." The man spoke. His voice sounded familiar. Who could he be? I can hear a darkness in his tone. My mouth stays closed, I will give him no information. "I'll take that as a yes" He said with a sense of joy. A red light flashes, but from where. My armor? "Shit" I said under my breath. The man comes closer to me, and I can see his face. That familiar voice, I knew it was someone I know. "What, surprised to see me again? I thought it was obvious. I know David, and I know you too Michael! You were both very suspicious of me right from the start. Did you even WONDER WHERE I WENT?" He came out of the dark and punched me. I fell to the floor, still strapped to my chair. After the shock finally ended, I got sense of what was happening. I felt a surge of anger go through my whole body. He picked me up and set my chair upright. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," He said backing up. I can see him taking out something from his bag,

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