Day 4

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My wound started to heal a little bit more, but there wasn't any major changes. I started to lose my limp and I let go of the bandage. Now that I felt better, I started to look for supplies. The one thing I really tried to look for was food and water. I haven't had water in about 3 days. Now I started to hallucinate again. Already I saw the others. Well, not the real ones. I just imagined them.

My shotgun was loaded, but this still didn't make me feel protected. I knew I couldn't do anything with it. Yet I held my finger close to the trigger. That also wouldn't do me good, considering I am hallucinating. I'm not quite sure if I'm going anywhere. All I see right now is a hallway. A hallway that I can't get out of. It seems to be a loop, but it's not. Still, I check the other rooms, hoping for something good.

The school seemed to be a maze. I never found a way out. Then I realized why my group was running for their lives. That creature that I saw, back in the forest, had followed us to here. How did I make that assumption? It found me. I ran as fast as I could, but that wasn't fast enough. The creature was fast and my injury slowed me down. I thought I was a goner, but then I remembered. Quickly, I reached for the door to my left. Locking the door, I slowly backed away. The creature screamed and scratch at the wall. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard. More and more it clawed, breaking the weak wooden door. I backed up to the wall, aiming my shotgun at the door. This was it. I had to kill it.

Though I still resisted killing a living thing, I was in a tough situation. With the fear filling my veins, I couldn't think clearly. There was only one choice, kill or be killed. The creature continued to break the door down. My mind was clear now. I slowly breathe, in and out. All my muscles start to loosen. A black wooden chair sits by me. I decide to sit on it. My relaxation turned back into fear, when I realized where I was. The creature had ripped open the door, and I was ready.

I shot the beast with my shotgun and, not knowing about the recoil of it, flew into the wall. My back ached in pain as I stammered to my feet, picking up the shotgun. Today must have been my lucky day, because I killed the beast. I screamed in agony, remembering my injury, with blood dripping from my side. Yet I ignored the pain, bravely moving on. Then I realized something, the beast. It meant only one thing to me, meat. I looked at the vicious animal, blood dripping on his black fur. My eyes reverted towards it's. Looking deeply into it's eyes, I saw it's soul. It seemed like it was trapped, cadged in a dark hollow pit. Now I looked away, remembering that this was food, not family. While I was in here, I decided find some supplies. I looked thoroughly, making sure I didn't miss anything. One thing I found seemed to be very odd. A closet full of weapons.

Tranquilizer darts, crossbows, arrows, sniper rifles, bullets, supplies, bait, snares, in other words, a hunter's dream. All of it seemed very useful, so I put it in a duffle bag. I found a book titled, Conner's journal. Dust covered the book, so it must be old. Some part of me told me to not open it, yet, so I didn't. I put it in the bag and went to the front of the room. The tricky part is, how to carry this big beast. My mind lost grasp of the thought as I started to get dizzy. "blood loss" I whispered to myself. Quickly, I searched for the medical kit I had found. Yet, I wasn't quick enough. My vision started to darken as I searched. I held my bandage, in hopes of delaying passing out.
Yet, I was too late.

beep, Beep, BEEP, my alarm screamed. I smashed my hand on the snooze button, as I jolted up. It was my bed. My adrenaline was calmed by the warm familiar blankets. The pain in my waist was soothed by the soft mattress. I was in my room, at my house, but why?
My thoughts went back to the school. "That couldn't have been a dream." I thought. This perplexed me, because I had nothing that I had when I was in the testing. Not only did I not have the armor, but I also didn't have my wounds. Yet, it seemed so real.
The more I questioned it, the more serene everything became. I got out of my bed to get dressed. As I opened my closet, feeling the polished oakwood, I noticed something odd. There was a knife in the back of the closet. I pulled it out, and investigated it. Nothing out of the ordinary, but why was it there? Again, I looked. This time I checked the bottom of it. "D.P", was carved into it. Now I don't know a lot of D.P's so I could only think of one person, David.
I couldn't remember him having a knife before. That wasn't all, I saw a light in the hole where the knife was. It was early in the morning, so there shouldn't be light. I knelt down to see what it was, aligning my eye to the hole. David was in there. The room was all white, and he was tied to a chair. His face was full of blood. Someone else was in there, with a gun. My eyes widened in fear. I could see that David was terrified. The man with the gun put it to David's head. Everything was happening so fast. I tried breaking the wall, but it was too solid. My eyes were screaming, my heart was pumping. It was getting faster, and faster. I pounded and pounded, but it was no use. Then I heard it. The loud sound echoed through the room. David was shot.

Sorry for the cliffhanger XD, but you could always read the next chapter. While you are doing that, maybe you could give it a vote?  

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