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There is no telling of what happens next. All you can do is treasure the moments you have now. Keep the memories of people you love with you, and go on. That is all you can do. There is no way to stop the future. We all have to die sometime.

That is why my friends and I went on a trip. We went to the lake that day. It was a humid day, so the water was refreshing. The reflection of us in the water was cool. My mom even let us borrow her old camera to take some pictures. We splashed around in the lake. David didn't want to go in, because he didn't know how to swim. All was happy and fun, but that was the past. That is why you need to treasure those memories. Before you know it, those memories just fade away.

My mom always said to keep you happy memories closest to your heart. I saw that as good advice, and bad advice. If you keep it too close, you might lose your strength. Yet, if you don't keep it close enough, you will lose hope. So I try my best to balance memory and reality. It's hard to do that when reality is scary. That makes me think of my dad, who I see as a symbol of strength. He had the strength to rebel against this corruption of the country. I just hope he is still alive.

I balanced it out now. So now, back to memory.

Day passed his baton to Night. We all sat down and watched the stars. It was an amazing sight. The moon's reflection shown onto the calm waters of the lake. You could see all the stars and constellations, gleaming a bright white. Some were faint, and some were glistening. All was peaceful and quiet. We thought it never would end, but there too, we weren't seeing reality. Tomorrow, it would be all over. The last day we would see each other was tomorrow, but I couldn't go. I couldn't leave my mom.

Reality hit me again, this time it wasn't a dream. I was being carried. The ground wasn't too far away, but it wasn't close, so someone tall was carrying me. Looking to see who it was, I turned my head. My vision was blurry, but I could make out what I saw. I saw David. Blood was all over his shoulder, but not the shoulder I was on. He was running, with someone else. This time I could see better, it was Lucas. That was the only time I got. I fainted again.

The odd thing I noticed was, sound. I couldn't hear anyone. They were talking too. Yet there was no sound. The other thing I noticed was the room. It was as if we were in a school hallway. We kept passing doors with windows on it. Each door had a black line above it, which most likely had numbers on it. Gray lockers stood by each other in rows. That was all I could get a glimpse of.

Once again, dreams came to mind. The dream I had was a memory, or a hallucination, I couldn't tell. It was back when I was drowning and I thought I saw Sarah. Though it was different this time. I heard her saw blood again. Then, the water turned to blood. It didn't make sense.

Time had passed quickly, because I fell into deep sleep. By the time I woke up, I was in the nurse's office. Or maybe I was in a doctor's office, I don't know. All I knew was, Kayla was alive. She was trying to fix my injuries, but I could tell she didn't know how to do that. Somehow that didn't worry me. I must have been drugged. Now it started to get me angry that I couldn't stay awake.

There was no dream this time. I guess that's the only thing you can hope for in this life. Silence.

Yet, there are better ways. It just seems like silence is my only option. In a way, it is. The only way out is to rebel. That's what my dad did. He did it for me. I know it.

Once again, I woke up. This time I was alone. It was still the nurse's office. I got up slowly. There was a big white bandage on my left side of my waist. A big red spot covered the bandage. Now I was sitting up completely, legs off the bed. The pain on my side was bearable, but I still held my bandage. I got off the bed, looking to see where everyone was. All the medical supplies were gone, but there was a bottle of pain killers. It was next to the shotgun. Just in case, I took the pain killers with me. Shuffling over to the door, I checked to see if it was unlocked. Bingo.

I opened the door to the hallway. At that moment I thought about how stupid I was. Quickly, I shuffled back to the room and grabbed the shotgun. Lucky for me, it was loaded. Then I realized, I can't kill. Still, it can help me intimidate other people. I just guessed there would be others, because this is a school. Also, this is the test.

I think I was right. If I wasn't right, where did I get this wound from? Where did I get it from? I still don't remember what happened before. All I remember was going through the tunnel with David. Must be a part of the test. The other thing is, I swear I heard some gun shots when they were rushing me to the office. Which means something bad happened. Someone else got shot. Or one of us shot someone else. I hope not. Yet there isn't much to hope for any more.

I just got shot, which means only one thing.

I almost died.

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