Chapter 1: Please Remember

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"Tris ,tris ,tris" Tobias says. I can faintly hear him saying my name. I slowly open my eyes and whisper "hey". Tobias leans into kiss me but I quickly stop him. "Tris what's wrong... I love you" "how can you love me I don't know you, your just my instructor" I say. he rushes out of the room and gets the doctor he has hurt in his eyes I don't understand why though.

Tobias POV:
She doesn't remember me all she know is I'm her instructor I can't believe this, how can she not remember me? When I'm done telling the doctor he just responds " she has mild memory loss but she should regain it in 3-5 days". I feel a sigh of relief and go sit next to her bed.

Tris POV: I must have fallen back asleep because next thing I know four is sleeping in a chair next to my bed. He's so cute when he's sleeping, I bet he already has a girlfriend though I mean look at him. I still don't understand why he cares if I'll be okay or not. He wake up and his eyes are bloodshot, his face is pale and stained with tears. "Tris" he says with a tired voice " The doctor says you are allowed to come home if you feel up to it" I just nod yes. I just sign some papers and I'm free to go. I ask four if he can take me back to my apartment he just scoops me up bridal style and takes me home. When we get there I thank him and start to close the door but he just walks in. Why would he? "Why are you in here ? " I say. "Tris I live here with you, please remember I love you, please remember us and what we had ".

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