Chapter 8: Recovering

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Tobias POV:
When the doctor said tris will be okay I am so relived. I can't believe that just happened Dylan is fractionless now. Good now we don't have to worry about him. I really hope tris wakes up soon, I need her to. it's been 4days since the kidnapping and she hasn't responded or woke up once. They said if she doesn't wake up in 2 days they will have to pull the plug. I can't lose her, she is my everything. Tears start to slip down my face. I squeeze her hand and she squeezes back. She slowly opens her eyes, "Toby?" she croaks, "bea in so happy your alright". I'm so happy I thought she would never wake up. I don't
know what I would do with out her, she is my everything without her my world would fall apart I would have nothing to live for.
(Tris is in italics)
" How long have I been here?"
" this is your 5th day here love"
" oh. Have I missed anything?"
" No nothing has really happened since you stopped the memory serum."
"Okay. Thank you for staying with me.
I just leaned down and kissed her four head then Nose and a sweet light kiss on her lips. I've missed her so much.
The nurse walks in and tells me I have to go so they can check Tris's vitals she is allowed to leave in the morning if everything is good.
I walk out of the room and into the waiting room for the nurse to be done. About an hour later the nurse walks out and allows me to go see Tris.  When I walk in she is still pale but has some color back in her. She waves and I go down and sit next to her bed in a chair. Then nurse comes in about 30min later about 8:25pm and tells us Tris will be able to leave I'm the morning at 8:30am. I'm about to get up and leave when I feel Tris's hand grab my wrist.
"Stay, please."
I look at her and she scoots over. I gently lay down next to her. She snuggles into my chest and I carefully place my arm around her shoulders and hold her close. I whisper into her ear " just one more night to survive her then your home free."
"I know and thank you for all you've done"
"Get some rest. You need it. "
"Okay goodnight Tobias. Love you."
"Goodnight tris. I love you too."
I feel her nuzzle in closer and I very carefully pull her in a little bit more, making sure not to hit any of her healing cuts. After watching Tris sleep for about 15 minutes I start to doze off. Within 5 minutes I'm out like a light.  I'm woken up by Tris squirming and crying.
"Tris, Tris, sweetie wake up it's just a dream."
She shoots up screaming bloody murder. Luckily our room she's in is sound proof or the whole hospital would be awake. She curls back into me sobbing. I gent ally rub small circles on her back to clam her down. She winces a little when she lays back down but that's normal the nurse said. I whisper soothing words in her ear until she falls asleep.

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