Chapter 10: Going Back

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Tobias POV:
I wake up to a constant beeping noise. I roll over and hit the alarm clock. I groan, I gently wake tris up and tell her we need to get ready. Shaunna and Zeke have been helping train the initiates while Tris was out. I am so thankful to have them help out. I told Zeke last night that Tris and I can train today. I tell Tris to get ready while I get breakfast from the cafeteria. I slip on a tight fitting black t-shirt and black jeans. I jog down to the cafeteria and buy two muffins. One chocolate chip and one pumpkin spice muffin. I head back and unlock the door. Tris is sitting on the couch watching T.V. I wrap my arms around her neck and place the muffin in her lap. She looks up and presses her lips to mine. I go and sit down next to her and eat mine. We both finish 5 minutes later and head toward the initiates dorm. It's about 6:50 when we arrive, I walk in and flick on the lights. Only a few wake up, I yell "Everyone wake up now, be in the training room in 10 minutes or your factionless!"
I place my hand around Tris's waist and guide her out of the dorm. We start to walk towards the training room, half way there I pick her up and sling her over my shoulder and start to jog. I can feel her tiny hands slapping my back, I just chuckle and continue to jog.
(Tris is in italics)
"Put me down, Fourrr, put me down!!" She whines.
"Not happening peanut"
I feel her finally stop struggling and give up. Shortly after we arrive, It's 6:58 the initiates should be here any second. Just then the initiates start to file in. Zeke had told me that that they were ready to fight and he made a listing who should fight who. Although he never gave me the list.
"Today we will fights agai..."
I'm interrupted by Zeke bust through the the doors panting, waving a sheet of paper.
"Hey four, here's the pairs for fighting. Sorry it had slipped my mind."
Tris says something before I can even respond. Next thing I know Zeke is jogging back out of the room. I guess I'll continue now.
"As I was saying, we will begin with hand to hand combat today"
Tris look over at the list I'm holding in my hand and calls out the first fight.
" Alexis vs. April. You fight until one of you can't continue or concedes"
Alexis punches but misses because April dodged. April hits Alexis in her jaw and kicks her in her stomach. Alexis then concedes and April wins the other fights go by fairly quick. I under line the winners on the board.
Alexis vs. April
Miles vs. Jackson
Alex vs. Dylan
Vanessa vs. Autumn
Andrew vs. Shawn
Chloe vs. Alissa
Miley vs. Johnny
Since 1/4 of the initiates are unconscious we decide to hold off on anymore training today.
"Everyone's dismissed for the rest of the day, your free to do whatever you want, we'll continue with training tomorrow"
Once all the initiates leave I go grab Tris's hand and she laces her fingers with mine, we head to the cafeteria for lunch. When we walk in and go over to our table a couple of initiates are sitting there and looking around.

Tris's POV:
I notice the initiates sitting at our table are looking around, when their eyes land on Four and I they start to whisper. Tobias sits and they close in around him leaving me no where to sit. I clear my throat and of corse the little slut Alexis is the one in my seat. All of my friends look at my probably wonder what I'm gonna do. Then Alexis breaks my train of thought by saying "you can go find a different seat, this ones taken." She smirks and tries to flirt with Four. Tobias grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap. I get death glares from the initiates but they still don't leave. Tobias kisses my cheek and lifts me up so he can go get us food. Christina starts telling me how we need to go shopping because we haven't been in forever. I just nod and agree wondering where Tobias is. Shortly after I spot Tobias with our food walking back towards the table. I stand up to let him sit down then sit back on his lap. He got us both chicken sandwiches, a bag of chips share, two apples, and two bottles of water. We both start to eat our lunch, then Zeke gets up on the table and yells "party at my place tonight at 8:00pm. By the way for those of you that don't know my apartment is R36."
Tobias and I both finish our lunch Christina gets up and starts to grab my wrist to go shopping. I give Tobias an I sorry look before Christina drags me away.
"Bye six, have fun!"
I roll my eyes and say "Bye four, love you too" I say sarcastically.
"Love you too babe I'm gonna hang out with Zeke and Uriah"
Chris drags me away and I see Tobias throw our trash away and head out the other door with Zeke and Uriah. We go into Route 10, we come out with 4 bags each.  Christina literally has to drag me in to the next store, Dauntless secret. She makes me buy 5 new bras with the matching underwear even though she knows I haven't faced my 7th fear yet. After shopping for 4 1/2 hours we walk back to our apartments with 17 bags each. She walks me to my apartment and when I get in she looks me dead in the eye and says "I swear Tris is you leave, I will find you." 10 minutes later I hear a loud banging on the door and Christina screaming "Six let me in right now, Siiiiiixxx!" Everyone calls me Six during initiation because of the initiates. I go open the door to a screaming Christina. She has all of her supplies. She goes upstairs to the bathroom. She pushes me in the bathroom and starts to curl my hair into perfect beach curls. Then she puts on foundation, concealer, contouring, mascara, black sparkly eye liner, smokey eye-eye shadow, light pink lipstick, light pink blush, and fills in my eye brows.  She makes me put on a tight black tights, spandex shorts, a black lacey push up bra, skin tight silky tube top, tight strapless black dress that reaches the middle of my thigh with a sweet heart neck line, a black leather jacket, and I put on a heart shaped locket that Tobias got me a few weeks ago. It has a picture on the left of my family and a picture on the right of me and him kissing by the chasm. Christina comes out 20 minutes later fully clothed and all her make up done. "How did it only take you 20 minutes when you spent 2 hours on me!!!"  "Sweetie I've been wearing makeup for ages"
I sigh and we head out. When we finally reach Zeke's my feet are killing me, since Christina made me wear 4 inch black stilettos. We knock on the door and a half drunk Zeke answers "Trissy, Chrissy, you made it come in, come in!"  I look around for Tobias and Chris looks for Uriah. We spot them over my the the counter each with a beer in hand. We walk over and Uriah takes Chris into the living room. I walk over to Four and take a swig of his beer. "Well hello Ms.Prior". "Good evening Four."
We see Uriah get up on a table with a mega phone and yell "EVERYONE WHO IS NOT MY FRIEND OR AN INITIATE GET OUT!"
Everyone leaves until it's just Shuanna, Zeke, Uriah, Chris, Lynn, Four, the initiates, and I left.  "Everybody circle up, I go first since it's my apartment." Zeke's eyes scan the circle until they land on me. Oh shit, "Six, darling, candor or dauntless?"
"Dauntless" I say confidently.
An evil smirk grows on his face " I dare you to give four a hickey"
I walk over to Four since Alexis and Chloe are sitting on either side of him.  I suck on the tender part of his neck until a hickey forms. I start to go back and sit down but Four pulls my wrist and I land in his lap. I get a dirty glare from both Alexis and Chloe. I ignore it and look around the room for my next victim.  My eyes land on Uriah. "Uri" but before I can finish he yells "Dauntless I ain't no Pansycake." 
"I dare you to go and egg the first person you see, then say that they cheated on you and run off dramatically"
Zeke and I go to witness, the first person we see is Max. We hide around the corner while Uriah walks up to Max and smashes 2 eggs on this head then screams "I can't believe that you cheated on me, we're done!"  He turns around and runs away so dramatic fake crying. Max' expression is priceless, he stands there with a look of anger, confusion, and shock. Me and Zeke run after Uriah bursting into laughter. I'm laughing so hard I cry. When we get back we explain what happened and everyone else starts to laugh too.  Uriah then asks Johnny C or D. He chooses C, he asked him who does he like? He mumbles under his breath Alissa. Alissa blushes and walks over and pecks him on his cheek. He then asks me I choose dauntless of corse. He dares me to answer this question truthfully. I nod and he says "are you and four dating?"
"Actually yes we are"
"May I ask how long?"
"About 2 and 1/2 years"
They all look in shock. Me and Four both look at each other and let out a small laugh. "Chris C or D?"
"Why did you switch factions?"
"Because I just didn't belong, I wanted to have more freedom."
"Chloe C or D?"
"What is your worst fear"
"Butterflies" she mutters under her breath. We all burst out into laughter, she blushes and looks at the floor. She then chooses Alexis. She choose dauntless, Chloe dared her to kiss her crush. She gets up and struts over to us. She pushes me off of Tobias's lap and plops down in it. Before he has a chance to push her off she wraps her arms around his neck. She leans in and gives him a sloppy kiss. His eyes shift over to me and I go behind him and dig my nails into her skin. She lets go with a squeal. Four pushes her off his lap and quickly places me back where I was giving me a light kiss behind my ear. It sends a chill down my spine. Alexis gives me a glare the asks Four Candor or Dauntless.  "Dauntless" he responds in his instructor voice, cold and empty, so emotionless. A smirk appears on his face, "I dare you to break up with Six and go out with me" she says a little to confidently. By now Four is only in his pants and boxers. He lost his jacket because he refused to share his real name and where he came from, and his shirt because he refused to have a drinking contest with Zeke. He gently pick me up and places me next to him and swiftly takes off his pants. He places me back on his lap and look Alexis dead in her eye and says "I will never go out with you,I love Six and nothing will ever change that" he uses his deep low voice that's quite threatening. I turn and give him a small kiss and whisper in his ear "I love you so much Tobias"
"I love you too Beatrice"
I look around and luckily no one heard us, thank god. No one knows my full name except Chris and Tobias and I'm the only one who knows Fours real name. We play a few more rounds till it's about 12:00 when Tobias picks me up bridal style and suggests the initiates to go and rest up for tomorrow. I snuggle into his chest while he carries me back home. When we get there he unlocks the door and walks in he does both the locks again and take me to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and so does he. He picks me back up and takes me into the bedroom and gives me one of his shirts. I change into it and climb into bed. He changes into just his boxers and a pair of grey sweatpants. I slide over and he gets into bed with me. I lean up to him and plant a soft kiss on his lips, but before he can deepen it I pull back. He gives me a pout and a let out a small giggle. I whisper thank you I his ear. " for what?"
"Honey, everything I do for you is because you deserve the best and I love you with all my heart"
"I love you too!"
"I love you one"
"I love you two"
"I love you three"
"I love you four... Wait Hey"
"I love you six"
" what happens to five?"
"He always gets in the way so I ate him" he looks at me with a cheesy smile. He puts his arm under my head and I use him as a pillow. I place my hands against his toned chest. I feel the heat radiating off of him and can hear his soothing heart beat. Sleep quickly drags me under and I'm far gone darkness consuming me.

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